MMF2 Stuff Shader List
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Icon | Extension Name | Author | Version | Description | Category | Type | Classification | Ease of Use | MFX Filename | MFX Size | Mirror link | Download link | Includes | Release Date | Last Updated | Compatibility | Dev-only | CTF2.5-only | Notes |
.net Script Object | Ross Pickett | 1.34 | .net Script extension lets you use C# or code in MMF. Requires .NET from Microsoft. | Script | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | dotNetScript.mfx | 185 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 21, 2008 | Oct 19, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses SciLexer.dll (in Fusion root) and ScintillaNet.dll while edited (not placed) in Fusion editor. In Windows 7 and later, enable .NET Framework 2.0 feature in Control Panel > Programs and Features. Also, first! | |
360° Movement Object | Min | 1.1 | Lets you easily create flexible custom 360° movement. This is already built-in to MMF2 (the Vector Movement), although people seem to find this extension quite useful. | Movement | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | 360Movement.mfx | 28 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | May 04, 2010 | May 04, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
3D Actives | LIJI | 1 | Turns normal Active Objects into (flat) 3D sprites. | 3D | Bonus Pack | Useful | Advanced | 3DActives.mfx | 65 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Feb 07, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
3D Mesh | Erik Gustafsson (Turboferret) | 2.2 | Allows you to use 3D meshes in your application. | 3D | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | 3dmesh.mfx | 2119 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | May 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | 9-Slice Object | Loïc Ovigne (Xenon3000) | 1 | Easily create an object with 9 images (4 angles, 4 sides and 1 center image). This extension has been superceded by the TileBox Object. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | 9Slice.mfx | 73 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 22, 2010 | Apr 22, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
A* FlashString | Pharanygitis | Beta | Employs A* Pathfinding in your Flash application. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AStar.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Mar 04, 2011 | Mar 04, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread:*-FlashString | |
Accelerometer object | Clickteam | 1 | Retrieve data from the accelerometer on devices that support it (such as the iPhone or some Android phones). | Control | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Accelerometer.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
Active Backdrop | Clickteam | N/A | Enables you to display and move an image from an internal image list in the background of the application. | Background | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | ActiveBackdrop.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | Aug 01, 2011 | Aug 01, 2011 | W, _, J, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Active Direct Show | Clickteam | 1 | Plays video or sound files (MP3, MPEG, AVI, etc.) in windowless mode. Uses Microsoft DirectShow. | Graphics | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | adshow.mfx | 69 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Active Gradient Object | David Clark (Alien) | 1 | An active version of the original Background Gradient Object. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GradientA.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 02, 2007 | Apr 02, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Active Object Exporter | conceptgame | 1.0 | Since ANI exports are now available, this is mostly obsolete. Exports animations and metadata from an Active object. Does not re-import. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ActiveObjectExporter.mfx | 142 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 20, 2021 | Apr 27, 2021 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Had empty folder in zip > Examples > ActiveObjectExporter file. Source code | |
Active Overlay | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Displays the contents of an Overlay Redux as an Active Object. This extension is obsolete; use the Surface Object instead. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | ActiveOverlay.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2006 | Jul 14, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Active Picture | Clickteam | 1 | Used to display an image file. Dynamic object: supports movements, rotations, stretch, etc. | Graphics | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | kcpica.mfx | 49 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, A, I, N, _, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Active Shape | Justin Aquadro (Retriever2) | 1.2 | Displays a primitive shape object, with features of both an Active Object and a QuickBackdrop. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | activeshape.mfx | 187 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Dec 05, 2009 | Dec 26, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Active System Box | Clickteam | 1 | Displays boxes, buttons, checkboxes or hyperlinks using system or custom colors. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | KcBoxA.mfx | 73 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Active Voxel | Bornemix | Alpha | This extension is unfinished. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Intermediate | ActiveVoxel.mfx | 125 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, O | Oct 21, 2008 | Oct 26, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | RAR file, contains source code and MFX on its own | |
ActiveX | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you use the Windows technology, ActiveX controls, in your application. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | KcActiveX.mfx | 335 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
AdMob | Clickteam | 2.00 | Android/iOS mobile app monetization and in-app advertising, using Google AdMob. | Advertising | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | AdMob.mfx | 115 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | Installed with Android/iOS exporters, and/or Fusion builds provided one of Android or iOS exporters exist. | |
![]() | Advanced Collision | Pharanygitis | Beta | Checks point collisions with Active Objects, as well as some other features. Flash only. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AdvancedCollision.mfx | 23 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 05, 2011 | Aug 05, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread and no download |
Advanced Comment Object | Jaffob | 2.1 | This object lets you create comments as actions and conditions. Requested by droberson. Original extension by Villy. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AdvComment.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 24, 2008 | Sep 18, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Direction Object | Olle Fredriksson (Fodo) | 1 | The advanced version of the Direction Object provides even more functions that are very useful when creating custom movements, and doing most movement related work. | Games | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | AdvDir.mfx | 22 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Advanced Flash Sound | Pharanygitis | Beta | This extension can stream sound files. Look the example for more information. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AdvancedFlashSound.mfx | 28 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 11, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Advanced Function Object | LB | 1 | Not your usual run-of-the-mill function object; this extension allows you to do some advanced things with functions. | Events | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AdvFuncObject.mfx | 50 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 27, 2012 | Apr 07, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Game Board | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | AGBO makes the creation of board games much easier with its inbuilt looping and searches for connected bricks. | Games | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | AdvGameBoard.mfx | 47 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Apr 22, 2009 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Advanced Global Values Object | LB | Beta | This object allows you to have unlimited, grouped, named global values and strings. Its only improvements over the MMF2 global values system is that at runtime you can create new global values, at both run time and edit time the global values are grouped, and at edit time the values are arranged in alphabetical order. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AdvGlobals.mfx | 227 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Feb 28, 2012 | Feb 28, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Int64 Object | LB | 1 | This extension can handle multiple named 64 bit (8 byte) integers, both signed and unsigned (separately). Range 0 to 18,446,744,073,709,551,615 unsigned; -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 signed. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | AdvInt64.mfx | 52 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 15, 2010 | Sep 21, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Line | Ross Pickett | 1 | Lets you draw a coloured or textured line of variable size at runtime. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AdvLine.mfx | 129 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | May 18, 2010 | May 18, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Math Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | An advanced math extension for MMF, this object features a wide variety of formulas and calculations to use in your projects. | Math | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | kcamath.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Menu Object | Jaffob | 1 | Create and modify popup menus and menu bars with a wide range of customizational features. WARNING: See notes. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | AdvMenu.mfx | 192 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Feb 13, 2011 | Feb 13, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | WARNING: May crash your application if you don't have it in every frame. | |
Advanced MochiAds | Pharanygitis | Beta | A complete, advanced MochiAds API for Flash. Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Intermediate | Mads.mfx | 39 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Advanced Path Finding | Ross Pickett | 1 | Advanced convoluted path finding. Note: This extension loads slowly, you may want to hide it or avoid installation. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | APF.mfx | 350 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 23, 2007 | Dec 20, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Path Movement | David Clark (Alien) | 1 | Create paths with multiple branches where the player can chose to take the shortest route from their current position to a new position. | Games | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | AdvPathMov.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Advanced Race Car Object 2 | LIJI | 1 | ARCO2 creates a flexible Race Car movement with 360 degrees support and Acceleration/Deceleration support. It can also do the object handling for you. | Movement | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | ARCO2.mfx | 32 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 01, 2007 | Nov 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Tray Object | Jaffob | 1 | Create and remove icons to and from the System Tray on the Windows Taskbar. This object can also create balloon notifications for tray icons. | System | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | AdvTray.mfx | 107 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | May 18, 2009 | May 18, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Video Player | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | A customizable video player for your swf applications. Supports all flash video formats. | Video | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | VideoPlayer.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 06, 2011 | Apr 06, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Advanced Volume Info | LB | 1 | Allows you to get a whole host of information about a volume (drive). | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AdvancedVolumeInfo.mfx | 133 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 27, 2012 | Jan 31, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
AESFusion object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension provides AES encryption capabilities to MMF2 applications | Protection | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | AESFusion.mfx | 44 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 21, 2010 | Jan 21, 2010 | W, _, J, F, _, A, _, _, _, H, _, M | No | No | ||
Aging Pair Map | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.1 | Allows you to register pairs of integers, which will eventually be unregistered after their lifetime (in event loops) elapses. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AgingPairMap.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 21, 2008 | Jan 29, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Alert Dialogs | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 2 | Allows you to use custom-drawn alert dialogs with advanced options in your SWF applications. Flash only. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AlertDialogs.mfx | 86 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 08, 2010 | Sep 08, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | CT download link requires CT user login. | |
Alpha Channel object | Chris Branch | 1 | The Alpha Channel object lets you create and display images with variable transparency - alpha channels. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | AlphaChannel.mfx | 258 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Amazon FireTV Controller | Clickteam | 1 | $25 on ClickStore. Provides functionality for Amazon's Game Controllers on Android. | Control | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | FireTV.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Nov 22, 2019 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Amazon S3 | Phi | b2 | Allows you to use the Amazon S3 cloud file storage. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Amazon S3.mfx | 2016 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | Dec 31, 2020 | Feb 05, 2021 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Anaconda shaders | Mathias Kærlev | 1 | An extension to apply shaders to objects in the Anaconda runtime. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AnacondaShaders.mfx | 121 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | |
Analog Joystick | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to retrieve information from analog joysticks. | Control | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | kcjoy.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Android Camera Object | Clickteam | 1 | Android Camera functionality. | Video | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | ACamera.mfx | 126 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Android Dialogs | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | | Superceded by Android New Dialog. Provides similar functionality. Not to be confused with Android New Dialog Control. Deprecated | Interface | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | AndroidDialogs.mfx | 30 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | June 02, 2011 | Apr 16, 2012 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged; latest zip version lacks the examples from previous zips. Zip downloaded from ClickStore on 10/12/2017. | |
Android Email | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows you to send emails from an Android app, including attachments. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | AndroidEmail.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Apr 05, 2012 | Jan 14, 2019 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Android Expansion Support | Clickteam | 2 | Object for use with the Android Obb tool; allows a lot of embedded images/sounds/files to be managed easily in Android apps. Comes with an EXE for use with it under Tools folder. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | AndroidObb.mfx | 64 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, O | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | ClickStore free purchase. Contains installer with Obb Tool. Downloaded from ClickStore on 10/12/2017. | |
Android Font Packer | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you pack fonts into your app that may not be system-installed, and do other font things. | Text | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | FontPacker.mfx | 81 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | ||
Android Google Maps | JustAnApp | 1 | Lets you use Google Maps functionality in Android devices. A similar object is available for Flash. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | GMaps.mfx | 126 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 18, 2013 | Jul 30, 2020 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | Android only, but has Windows Unicode and non-Unicode dummys. Not to be confused with Google Maps, which is Flash only with Windows non-Unicode dummy. | |
Android/iOS InputType | G2F2 Media | 1 | Picks input type - email keyboard, number keyboard, etc. Name of this extension varies depending on exporters installed. | Control | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | InputType.mfx | 59 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Name changes to Android InputType, iOS InputType, or as given depending on exporters installed. | |
Android New Dialog | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you open a dialog for the user to pick a colour, font, file, login, etc. | Control | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | AndroidDialog.mfx | 95 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Android object | Clickteam | 1 | Provides all sorts of functionality for Android systems - vibration, log, key disabling, etc. | System | Built-in | Essential | Expert | Android.mfx | 124 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Android Old INI object | Clickteam | 1 | Old Android INI object, for compatibility. You should use Ini Object on Android. | Files | Built-in | Superceded | Straightforward | OldINI.mfx | 126 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Android Screen Support | Clickteam | 1 | $5 on ClickStore. Allows you to customize screen sizes for your Android app to run on. | Video | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | AnScreenS.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Android SMS | Clickteam | 1 | $3 on ClickStore. Read and send SMS from Android device. | Internet | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | Sms.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Android Splash | Clickteam | 1 | $5 on ClickStore. Custom splash screen that can run during events or during app load. | Video | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | AndroidSplash.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | ||
Android Theme object | Clickteam | 1 | $5 on ClickStore. Allows you to recolor the buttons, text etc. | Interface | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | !unknown.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
AndroidMicrophone | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to record and play back from the microphone. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AndroidMicrophone.mfx | 6 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
AndroidPlus | Clickteam | 2.0 | Dev-only. Additional various Android system functionality, including sharing images to other apps, display modes, forced sleep, etc. | System | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | AndroidPlus.mfx | 82 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | ||
AndroidTV Controller | Clickteam | 1 | $25 on ClickStore. Provides functionality for most Game Controllers on Android. | Control | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | NEXUSTV.mfx | 10 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 18, 2015 | Aug 14, 2022 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Angler Object | Fimbul | 1 | This extension can calculate secure bouncing angles and reverse an angle. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Angler.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 05, 2009 | Jun 05, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Animated Picture | Daniel Rehn & Jonas Rehn | 1.0.2 | An object which can cache pictures at runtime and animate them. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | animPicture.mfx | 159 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 05, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Animation | Clickteam | 1 | Plays animation files (FLI, GIF, AVI). | Video | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | kcanim.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Animation Info Object | Jaffob | 1 | Retrieves animation properties of Active objects. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | AnimInfo.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 20, 2011 | Apr 20, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Application Direction Object | LIJI & Jean Villy Edberg | 1 | Can change the direction of the menu and the title to RTL or LTR | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | appdir.mfx | 49 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Nov 04, 2006 | Nov 03, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Contains MFX and example unfoldered | |
![]() | Application Name | Loïc Ovigne (Xenon3000) | 1 | A simple extension which can change the application's name at runtime. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AppName.mfx | 47 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 03, 2011 | Jun 03, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Application Priority object | Xinok | 1 | Controls the actual priority of the application in Windows. | System | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | AppPriority.mfx | 17 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Archive Object | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1.7 | An advanced archive extension with queue support, encryption, compression, multithreading, file access, and more. Special thanks to Jamie McLaughlin. | Files | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Archive.mfx | 235 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 03, 2010 | Aug 03, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Array | Clickteam | 1 | Numeric or text array (up to 3 dimensions). | Array | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | KcArray.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Array 3D Object | Xinok | 1 | Converts 1D arrays into 2D or 3D arrays. [Converted by Joshtek] | Array | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | array3d.mfx | 65 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 15, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Array X | G2F2 Media | 1 | Special array object with searching and locate functions. | Array | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | ArrayX.mfx | 133 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 15, 2010 | Mar 23, 2011 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ASCII | ouly | 1 | This extension has expressions for converting between ASCII characters and their indices. Provided for simplicity; use String Parser for more compatible runtimes. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ascii.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 16, 2010 | Nov 21, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ASCII Character Object | Jaffob | 1 | This extension has expressions for converting between ASCII characters and their indices. Provided for simplicity; use String Parser for more compatible runtimes. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AsciiChar.mfx | 79 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 23, 2011 | Jul 29, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Associative Array | Matt Galanto | 1.21 | AssArray: An array where each element is accessed by a key instead of an index. Similar to Named Variables Object. | Array | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | AssArray.mfx | 79 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 04, 2006 | Jul 04, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
AVI Object | Clickteam | 1 | Plays video files (AVI format). | Video | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | kcvfw.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
AVIs Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | This object converts a list of pictures with a sound strip to an AVI file. This extension could also be used as a string queue First In, Last Out. Please, note this extension can crashes with some Codec which open a new window on compression process (like XVID). Must install through FusionUpdater. | Video | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | fcAVIs.mfx | 45 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 11, 2009 | May 11, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Background Gradient Object | David Clark (Alien) | 1 | Enables you to create gradients in the background of their application that can shift color values and size in real-time, allowing programs to have access to dynamic color changes. | Background | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GradientB.mfx | 19 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 11, 2006 | Dec 11, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Background Images | Ross Pickett | 1.61 | With this object you can images and switch between them at runtime, displaying an image as a background object. You can also load external images, and use this as a buffer of images for an Overlay object. | Background | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | BackImages.mfx | 119 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jan 05, 2008 | Jun 14, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Background System Box | Clickteam | 1 | Displays background boxes with or without text using system or custom colors. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | KcBoxB.mfx | 65 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Base64 Object | Jean Villy Edberg | 1 | Simple object to encode and decode base64 strings. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | base64.mfx | 21 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 02, 2007 | Dec 02, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
BASIC Interpreter | G2F2 Media | 1 | Interpretation of the BASIC language in MMF2. | Script | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | KcBasic.mfx | 184 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 15, 2010 | Jul 15, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Battery Object | Chris Denyer (Dines) | 1 | Get information about the computer's battery, such as whether there is one, its power level, and more. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | battery.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jan 11, 2011 | Jan 11, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Bezier Object | Kornelijepetak | 1 | Calculates Bezier Curves (note that this object doesn't move Actives along them, use the Move by Bezier extension to do that). | Math | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Intermediate | Bezier.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 04, 2008 | May 04, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Binary Array | Jamie McLaughlin | 2.1 | Represents a binary array to store different data types and read binary files. | Storage | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | BinaryArray.mfx | 75 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 19, 2007 | Dec 07, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Binary Bitmap object | Timon | 2 | Based on Surface Object, but less powerful, it allows to load almost all types of uncompressed bitmaps. From 32 bit to 1 bit. Works well with Binary Board object. Part of Timon's Binary Family. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | BinaryBitmap.mfx | 164 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Feb 22, 2016 | May 17, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip has unnecessary subfolder | |
Binary Board object | Timon | 2 | Powerful binary manipulator, which allows user to edit files and data on memory, compress it (using zlib) and protect (using Blowfish). Part of Timon's Binary Family. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | BinaryBoard.mfx | 259 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Feb 22, 2016 | May 17, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip has unnecessary subfolder | |
Binary Object | 3EE | 1 | Allows you to handle, filter, save, load, modify, search/replace, etc. binary data. | Data | Bonus Pack | Essential | Advanced | Binary.mfx | 119 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 24, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Binary Quickload | Xinok | 1 | Can quickly load large files into the Binary object. [Converted by Joshtek] | Data | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | binqload.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Binary Tree | Ross Pickett | 1.3 | A binary tree for storing data. | Storage | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | BinTree.mfx | 104 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Dec 18, 2009 | Dec 18, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Bit Mask Object | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | A few simple bit mask related tools. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | BitMask.mfx | 16 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, O | Nov 18, 2007 | Nov 18, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Contains MFX and help unfoldered | |
![]() | Bitmap Font | Algul | Beta | A version of the OpenGL - Bitmap Font extension for standard MMF2 use. It is useful for drawing 2D text using bitmap fonts. HWA not supported. | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | BitmapFont.mfx | 184 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 14, 2011 | Oct 14, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Bitset object | Timon | 2 | Bits and flags manipulator, allows user to use every integer value as flags pole. The pattern bits option allows to expand value, for e.g. bits 11111 to 11111111 or 10101 to 10101101 Part of Timon's Binary Family. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | Bitset.mfx | 103 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Feb 22, 2016 | May 17, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip has unnecessary subfolder | |
Bitwise Helper Object | Xinok | 1 | Allows for 'and / or' conditions in MMF through bitwise operators. [Converted by Joshtek] | Math | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | bitwisehelper.mfx | 14 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Bitwiser Object | Danny Worth | 1 | Bits manipulator, rotating, shifting, for 8-bit, 16-bit, 32-bit variables. Supports Android and HTML5. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Bitwiser.mfx | 359 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 06, 2017 | Dec 10, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | Orig thread: . Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Black Box Object | Eliyahu | 1 | An extension with unknown actions, conditions, and expressions that you must figure out the function of. For Eliyahu's Black Box competition. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Advanced | BlackBox.mfx | 131 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Sep 05, 2011 | Sep 05, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Blackjack Object | Keith Adler | 1 | Blackjack Smack helper. | Games | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Blackjack.mfx | 424 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 18, 2011 | Nov 03, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Blink Object | Jean Villy Edberg | 1 | Flash a window in the taskbar. This extension is obsolete; use MMF2's Window Control Object instead. | System | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | blinkobj.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 26, 2006 | May 18, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Blowfish Object | Matt Galanto | 1.06b | A powerful encryption object that uses the famous Blowfish encryption algorithm to encrypt strings internally, and files. | Protection | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | Blowfish.mfx | 32 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jun 21, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
BlumBlumShub | Pharanygitis | Release | A pseudorandom number generator for your Flash applications. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | BlumBlumShub.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Jun 21, 2011 | Jul 21, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread: | |
Blur Object | LIJI | 1 | Blurs the background with variable sizes. This extension was never released by the developer and may be unstable. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Straightforward | Blur.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Feb 23, 2008 | Feb 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download is MFX | |
Boolean Object | Matt Galanto | 1.09 | Evaluate Boolean expressions and perform complex conditionals. $10 license if used commercially. | Events | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | Boolean.mfx | 34 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 04, 2006 | Jul 04, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
BT Transfer | Clickteam | 1 | Android Bluetooth, for pairing, unpairing, file and small text sharing. | Control | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | BTtransf.mfx | 15 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | Yes? | ||
Button CS | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Used to create advanced push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons and bitmap buttons. Object created from the original Clickteam button object WITH permission. Must install through FusionUpdater. Also called Bouton CS. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fcButton.mfx | 73 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 09, 2009 | May 09, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
BrainControl Object | conceptgame | 1.0 | Reads brain signal through Neurosky helmet. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | BrainControl.mfx | 147 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Nov 25, 2014 | Nov 26, 2014 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires thinkgear.dll to be included with app. Unicode version only. Source code: | |
Bullet360 Object | RickyRombo | 1.1 | Allows you to create bullets that fire in 360 degrees. | Movement | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Bullet360.mfx | 114 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 06, 2010 | Sep 06, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Button | Clickteam | 1 | Used to create push buttons, check boxes, radio buttons and bitmap buttons. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | KcButton.mfx | 77 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Buzz Object | Greg | Beta 2 | The Buzz Object gives you full control over a Sony Playstation set of Buzzer controllers. These controllers are designed for quiz games and trivia. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Buzz.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Oct 16, 2011 | Oct 17, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
ByteArray | LIJI | 1.1 | Like the binary object, but uses only unsigned bytes. Includes some other cool features. Originally made for Nifflas. | Array | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | ByteArray.mfx | 200 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 11, 2006 | Dec 14, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Calculate Text Rect | Chris Branch | 1 | Fixed-up version available from NaitorStudios! This is a simple extension which measures text and gives you their dimensions. Specify the font name, size and style, enter the text, and calculate its width and height. | Text | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | CalcRect.mfx | 14 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 03, 2007 | Jun 21, 2019 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, _, H, P, M | No | No | Last updated in 2007. Naitor has improved this: see . | |
Calendar Entries Control | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you access the calendar, including creating events, and setting reminders. | Time | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | CalendarEntry.mfx | 65 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Calendar Object | Clickteam | 1 | Display a Windows calender control in your application. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | Calendar.mfx | 81 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Dec 13, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Camera | Francois Lionet | 1 | Control of the phone camera in iOS applications. | Control | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Camera.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | ||
CD Audio | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you play compact disc audio tracks. | Audio | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | kccda.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Character Image | Ross Pickett | 1.001 | Allows you to draw text using a different image for each character. Supports alpha channels. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | CharImage.mfx | 266 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 10, 2010 | Jul 02, 2010 | W, _, J, F, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Chart Object | Chris Branch & Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | Displays various types of charts and graphs. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Chart.mfx | 610 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 04, 2010 | Nov 04, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ChartBoost v2.1 | Clickteam | 2.1 | Allows Fusion apps to use the ChartBoost advertising network. | Advertising | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | ChartBoost.mfx | 73 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Checksum object | Timon | 2 | Hash manager, allows to calculate hash of data on memory or string of MD2, 4, 5, CRC16 and 32 checksums, SHA1 and all types of SHA2. Part of Timon's Binary Family. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Undetermined | Checksum.mfx | 199 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Feb 22, 2016 | May 17, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip has unnecessary subfolder | |
Chess Object | Mokhtar M. Khorshid | 1 | Implements advanced chess AI in your Fusion application. Available through Klikdisc Feb. 2009. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | MMKChess.mfx | 100 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | Feb 01, 2009 | Feb 14, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Circle Object | Zach Thompson (Zachster) | 1 | Performs basic calculations with circles. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | CircleCalc.mfx | 99 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 21, 2011 | Aug 21, 2011 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Click Blocker | Clickteam | 1 | Blocks the left, middle and/or right clicks of the mouse. | Control | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | KcClkBlk.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Clickteam Movement Controller | Andrew Mather | 1 | Controller for the Clickteam movements. | Movement | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | clickteam-movement-controller.mfx | 52 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Clipboard Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Retrieves or sets text on the clipboard. Made obsolete by MMF2. | System | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcclip.mfx | 10 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Incomp. | ||
Color Dialog Object | Matt Galanto | 1.04 | Make use of the Windows color dialog. $5 license if used commercially. This extension has been superceded by the Powerful Dialogs Object. | Interface | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | ColorDialog.mfx | 33 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 09, 2006 | Jul 09, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
Color Selector | xtraverse | 1 | A button that, if clicked, displays a popup menu that provides a simple way of selecting a color, similar to the color menus in Office. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | ColorSelector.mfx | 103 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Colorizer | LIJI | 1 | Create simple and advanced colorizing effects in a few minutes. Great for Night and Day effects and Weather. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | Colorizer.mfx | 221 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Feb 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Color Converter | Chris Branch | 1 | Converts colours between RGB, CYMK, and HSL systems. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | ColourConv.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 01, 2008 | Dec 01, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
COM+ Object | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1.1b | A companion to the Activex object, this extension is non visual and will allow you to create COM objects and manage properties and methods without complicated scripts. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | comObject.mfx | 28 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 18, 2008 | Sep 10, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | Requires mfxCom.dll (included with app?) | |
Combo Box | Clickteam | 1 | Used to create simple or drop-down lists. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kccombo.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, _, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Combo Object | Eliyahu | Beta | Defines and checks for combos in your games. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Combo.mfx | 478 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 24, 2011 | Sep 24, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Commandline Parser | Jaffob | 1 | Reads the commandline of your application to find which file(s) opened it. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | CmdParser.mfx | 90 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 16, 2011 | Aug 16, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Commentor Object | Jean Villy Edberg | 1.2 | Lets you add event-based comments. This extension is obsolete; use Advanced Comment Object instead. | Events | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | commentor.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 13, 2007 | Jan 13, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
Common Dialog Object | 3EE | 1 | This object gives you control of the save and load common dialog that is used by most Windows programs. Superceded by Powerful Dialogs Object, although may be useful for simplicity. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | comdlg.mfx | 16 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 08, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Compass | Clickteam | 1 | $10 on ClickStore. Provides magnetic compass functionality on Android and iOS. | Control | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | Compass.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Dec 17, 2015 | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Condition ID Restriction | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.001 | Limit multiple conditions so that only one of them will run. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | ConditionID.mfx | 18 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 03, 2007 | Dec 04, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Console Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.2 | Allows you to create a console window and interact with it, and run console applications visibly or invisibly, retrieving their output. | System | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Console.mfx | 42 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 27, 2007 | Jan 05, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Contrast | Aleks Wilk | 1 | Changes the contrast setting of the monitor. There may be other extensions available to do this. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | contrast.mfx | 49 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 09, 2007 | May 09, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Control X | z33z | 1 | Detect key presses using the key name or values, block certain key combinations, and simulate key presses and mouse clicks. | Control | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | ctrlx.mfx | 53 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 28, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Control X 95 | z33z | 1 | Older version of the Control X object. This object is obsolete, and no longer shows up in newer builds of Fusion. | Control | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | ctrlx95.mfx | 45 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Crasher | LIJI | 1 | Forces your application to crash, via division by zero. Superceded by DebugObject. | Protection | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | Crasher.mfx | 45 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jan 06, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
CRC32 Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.1 | Calculate the CRC32 (cyclic redundancy check) for strings and files. | Protection | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | CRC32.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 21, 2008 | Jan 21, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Create By Name | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1.3 | Enables you to create objects by their name instead of having the object preset in the Create dialog. Very useful for level editors. Requires Build 252 or later of MMF2. Built into CF2.5. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | CreateByName.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 23, 2011 | Feb 05, 2016 | W, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, _, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Curl object | Clickteam | 1 | $5 on ClickStore. Only works on ARM Android phones! Uses cURL library to access URLs. Expects knowledge of cURL. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Expert | Curl.mfx | 126 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | N/A | Jul 25, 2014 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Cursor Object | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you modify the mouse cursor (standard or bitmap shape). | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | KcCursor.mfx | 49 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, N, _, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
Custom Object | Matt Galanto | 1.06 | Broken! Use at your own risk. Create your own objects within Fusion. $10 license if used commercially. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | Custom.mfx | 46 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jul 04, 2006 | Jul 04, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Cypher Object | Xinok | 1 | Encrypt or decrypt files with cypher algorithm. This algorithm is outdated; use Blowfish or AESFusion objects instead. | Protection | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Intermediate | cypher.mfx | 122 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
DarkSocket | Phi | b7 | DarkSocket is a generic client and server socket extension, used for making your own server and clients. Advanced users only! | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Expert | DarkSocket.mfx | 493 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Oct 22, 2011 | Oct 11, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Open-source, | |
Data Store 2 Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Provides a straightforward way to store values, strings, and yes/no flags. | Storage | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | kcstore.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
DataGrid Object | Clickteam | 1 | Grid control designed to present your data in a structured, grid way, like in Excel. For Pro version only. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | datagrid.mfx | 286 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Date & Time | Clickteam | 1 | Used to display date and time in various formats. Can act as a stopwatch or countdown device. | Time | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kcclock.mfx | 57 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
![]() | DateTime Object | MattEsch | Beta 2 | Allows you to work with timestamps and date values in Flash. | Time | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DateTime.mfx | 121 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 24, 2011 | Sep 06, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Dead Reckoning | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Easily handles dead reckoning. Smooth out the movement of your networked objects in-between updates. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | DeadReckoning.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 02, 2010 | Nov 02, 2010 | W, _, _, F, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, M | No | No | ||
DebugObject | Phi | b15 | This is an object for debugging Fusion programs. It allows you to run events on crashes, also features logging to file and console, and debug disabling/enabling. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | DebugObject.mfx | 343 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Feb 20, 2012 | Jul 07, 2022 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Deck of Cards Object | Eliyahu | 1 | Manages an internal deck of playing cards. Very useful for card games. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | DeckOfCards.mfx | 502 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 28, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Default Menu Options | Matt Galanto | 1.01 | Use the default MMF menu commands from an event. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DefMenuOps.mfx | 16 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 08, 2006 | Jul 08, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
DialogBox | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to add dialog boxes to your application. For Developer version only. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | DlgBox.mfx | 135 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Dictionary Object | 3EE | 1 | Specialized object that allows you to do very fast lookups to see if a word exists in a very large collection. | Data | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | diction.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
DIME | Prester J0hn | v1.1 | Japanese ext. Disables IME, for switching between Japanese and Romanji; has other features thrown in. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | BanIME.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Feb 18, 2014 | Feb 18, 2014 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | Yes | ||
Direct Show | Clickteam | 1 | Plays video, sound files (MP3, MPEG, AVI, etc.), or DVDs. Uses Microsoft DirectShow. | Video | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | DirectShow.mfx | 86 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Direction Calculator | Philip Williams | 1 | Allows you to work with the directions of other objects in ways that might otherwise be impossible. | Games | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | kcdirect.mfx | 12 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 28, 2009 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Directory Packer | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.6 | Packs a directory into a single file. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DirectoryPacker.mfx | 34 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 19, 2007 | Nov 07, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Discord Rich Presence | BartekB (Uppernate) | v1.2.3 | Customize the 'now playing' Discord interface for your app. Spectate features require Discord's approval. More details in Clickteam forum thread. | Games | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DRPC.mfx | 886 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 29, 2019 | Jan 20, 2022 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Clickteam forum thread: Repackaged to include example from CT forum thread. | |
Display and Sound Retriever | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | Is a sound card installed? What is the colour depth? What is the screen resolution? | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DSRobj.mfx | 40 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 24, 2009 | Dec 24, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
DLL Object | Daniel Rehn | 1.1 | Allows calling of DLL files. | System | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | DLLObject.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 03, 2008 | Jun 03, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Double-Precision Calculator | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to perform simple calculations on double-precision floating point numbers (16 significant digits). For Pro version only. | Math | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | KcDbl.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, _, N, X, H, P, M | Yes | No | ||
Download Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to download file from the Internet. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Download.mfx | 19 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Drag Object | Jaffob | 2.1 | The Drag Object is a simple and powerful way to make Active Objects draggable. | Control | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Drag.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 08, 2008 | Jan 07, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Draw Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to perform simple graphic operations (point, line, rectangle, ellipse, flood fill). Note that the Surface Object can do this with many more features, although is more advanced. | Graphics | Built-in | Superceded | Straightforward | kcdraw.mfx | 98 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
DS Beep | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows users running Vista, Windows 7, and 64-bit systems to use Windows Beep through DirectShow. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | DSbeep.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jun 30, 2010 | Jun 30, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Dungeon Object | Looki | 1 | Generate and draw mazes and dungeons with rooms and doors. Based on JBDungeon by Jamis Buck. Mersenne Twister by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | dungeon.mfx | 147 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 10, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Dynamic Array | 3EE | 1 | Full-featured dynamic array that supports realtime multiple dimensioning, lightweight database-esq features, storing values, strings, and files, and more. | Array | Bonus Pack | Essential | Advanced | darray.mfx | 58 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Dynamic Grid | Justin Aquadro (Retriever2) | 1.3 | Displays a grid on the frame with dynamic cell size. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | dynamicgrid.mfx | 99 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 13, 2009 | Nov 09, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Email Object | z33z | 1 | Allows your applications to send and receive e-mail through SMTP and POP3 as well as check whether e-mail addresses are in a valid format. MMF 2 Developer only. | Internet | Bonus Pack | Essential | Intermediate | email.mfx | 918 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 27, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Easing Object | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Helps you to smoothly move objects from one position to another using mathematical functions. Supports Ease-In, Ease-Out, Ease-In-Out and Ease-Out-In. | Movement | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Easing.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 31, 2010 | Jun 25, 2015 | W, _, _, F, _, A, I, _, _, H, P, M | No | No | Repackaged due to Anders' download not having all platforms - just had Windows and Flash. Also lacked example MFA. | |
Easy Detector | LIJI | 1 | Handles collisions between Active Objects and the background. | Games | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | edetect.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jul 24, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Easy Grid Object | Tigerworks | 1 | This object can create a grid to snap your objects to in-game quickly and easily. | Math | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | EasyGrid.mfx | 17 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
EasyScrollbar | Donald May (vortex2) | 1 | An object that allows you to create scrollbars in MMF2. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | EasyScrollbar.mfx | 98 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 23, 2006 | Oct 23, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
EasyXML Object | Donald May (vortex2) | 1.4 | Easy XML in MMF 2 using TinyXML. | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | EasyXML.mfx | 77 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | Dec 21, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Edit Box | Clickteam | 1 | Simple editable text box. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kcedit.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Edit Box: Selection | Looki | 1 | Adds 'Set/get selection' features to the Edit Box. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | EditBoxSel.mfx | 83 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 07, 2008 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | There may be a Flash workaround available for built-in Editbox; see | |
Encryption Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.2 | This extension can encrypt and decrypt strings quickly and simply, and works in Vitalize! applications. Superceded by AESFusion object. | Protection | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | Encryption.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 17, 2008 | Jan 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Events Object | ouly | 1 | Events (warning, error,...) handling. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | events.mfx | 74 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 16, 2010 | Mar 06, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, H, _, _ | Yes | No | Manually repackaged from old Fusion install. Falsely shows up as HTML5-compatible due to naming. | |
Execute in Console | 2xD | 1 | Executes a single line in a console window. Supports Unicode. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | RunInConsole.mfx | 116 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Exif Reader | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Reads many tags EXIF of JPG picture format. Must install through FusionUpdater. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | fcExif.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 15, 2007 | Sep 15, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
EXIV2 Object | conceptgame | 1 | Reads EXIF tags for images, and writes them. Impossible to use without example; refer to Silently fails for any errors. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | Exiv2.mfx | 1925 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 06, 2017 | Nov 06, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Source code: Refer to exiv2 library documentation for more magic strings. | |
Expression Evaluator | Matt Galanto | 1.07 | Evaluate strings as complex expressions. Useful for creating scientific calculators. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | ExpEval.mfx | 161 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 08, 2006 | Jul 08, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Explorer | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to include a file browser in your application. For Pro version only. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Explorer.mfx | 90 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Extension Info Object | Chris Denyer (Dines) | Beta 2 | This is an object which lets you retrieve information about MMF extension objects. You can retrieve object name, author name, and more. | Files | 3rd Party | Unstable | Straightforward | extinfo.mfx | 28 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Oct 06, 2010 | Feb 09, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 2 | Allows interaction between Facebook and your Flash application. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Facebook.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | May 10, 2011 | Dec 02, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, H, P, _ | No | No | |||
Fast AddString | Pharanygitis | Beta | Adds strings to a master string very quickly. Flash Runtime only. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | AddString.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 19, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Fast Function object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Calls functions in MMF. This extension has been superceded by the Function Object. | Events | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | kcffunct.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Fast Loop Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Basic fastlooping object. Made obsolete by MMF2. | Events | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcfloop.mfx | 12 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
File Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to perform basic file and disk operations such as renaming, copying and deleting files, creating sub-directories, and launching external applications. | Files | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | kcfile.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, J, _, U, A, _, N, _, _, _, M | No | No | ||
File Inclusion Object | Justin Aquadro (Retriever2) | 1 | An simple extension to assist including external files in your compiled application. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fileinc.mfx | 67 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 15, 2009 | Apr 15, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
File Read / Write Object | 2xD | 1 | Reads and writes text or lines of a text file. Supports UTF-8. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FileReadWrite.mfx | 302 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 12/10/2017. | |
File Stream Object | LB | 1.2.2 | This object allows you to open and manage file streams without loading the files into memory. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FileStream.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2011 | May 06, 2016 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
File-Folder Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Manages files and folders with advanced features | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | fcFolder.mfx | 47 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 11, 2009 | May 11, 2009 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | CEM doesn't have ANSI, but does have Unicode. | |
File Exists Object | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1 | Check if a file exists in three paths and return that path - made by request from MechaBowser. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fileExists.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Jul 19, 2008 | Jul 19, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Clickteam download requires login. | |
FileTime Object | Xinok | 1 | Can read or change the Created / Modified / Last Accessed times on a file. [Converted by Joshtek] | Files | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | filetime.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
FixedValueList Object | Phi | 1 | Iterates the fixed values of all the objects in the current frame, excluding subapplications. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fixedvaluelist.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 31, 2011 | Mar 31, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flag Object | z33z | 1 | In addition to regular on/off flags, you can also AND and OR flags together and set/toggle flags in a time interval. You can also get the number of true flags at the same time. | Data | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | flag.mfx | 32 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flame Object | David Clark (Alien) | 2.3 | A graphical extension capable of generating advanced, detailed flame effects. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Flame.mfx | 142 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Oct 23, 2006 | Oct 23, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged: EXE created Lib folder, and uninstaller that wasn't named. Excessive install. | |
![]() | Flash Animated Text | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | Beta | Displays advanced text animations with many effects, transitions, tweening, and more. Flash only. | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FlashAnimatedText.mfx | 84 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | Oct 16, 2011 | Oct 16, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Original thread: - no valid download link |
Flash Blowfish | Pharanygitis | 1 | Flash extension that allows you to use Blowfish encryption in your SWF files. | Protection | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FlashBlowFish.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Jan 03, 2011 | Jan 03, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Button | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows you to use custom buttons in your swf applications. Includes support for dynamic image loading, gradients, shadows, tooltips, and more. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FlashButton.mfx | 45 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 11, 2010 | Sep 11, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Capabilities | Pharanygitis | 1 | Get some information about the system. For use in Flash applications. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Capabilities.mfx | 30 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 24, 2011 | Jul 09, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Flash Developer Screen | Pharanygitis | Beta | Retrieves a wide variety of technical information about your SWF application. Flash Runtime with MMF2 Developer only. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FlashDevScreen.mfx | 23 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 20, 2011 | Sep 20, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread and download missing. |
Flash Draw | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | Beta 2 | Draw vector lines, bezier curves, shapes and more, using advanced options in your Flash applications. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashDraw.mfx | 40 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 26, 2010 | Sep 06, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Hash | Pharanygitis | Beta | Applies the MD5 and SHA encryption methods to data. Flash only. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | FlashHash.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 08, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Flash Images Plus | Pharanygitis | Beta 3 | This extensions load external files (SWF, PNG or other) without any limit. Flash only. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ExternalFilesPlus.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Jun 15, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Flash Input | Pharanygitis | Beta | A dynamic Flash input box, with layer support and customization features. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashInput.mfx | 33 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Jul 26, 2011 | Oct 18, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip had unnecessary .001 file. Original thread: | |
Flash Menu | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows you to customize the right-click Context Menu in your swf applications. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | FlashMenu.mfx | 80 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 18, 2010 | Aug 18, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash MP3 | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1.2 | Plays external mp3 files in your swf files. (By User Request) | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | FlashMP3.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 11, 2010 | Jan 21, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Progress Bar | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Display a customizable progress bar in your swf applications. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashProgressBar.mfx | 83 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 14, 2011 | Apr 14, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Text Files | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows the use of saving and loading text files to and from the users local drive in your swf applications. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashTextFiles.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 29, 2010 | Aug 29, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Tooltip | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Displays customizable tooltips in your swf applications. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashTooltip.mfx | 80 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 12, 2011 | Apr 12, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Trace | Pharanygitis | Beta | Enables you to push tracing messages in Flash for debugging purposes. Flash only. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Trace.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 08, 2011 | Nov 08, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Original thread: | |
Flash TTS | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | Beta | Implements text-to-speech in your Flash applications. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashTTS.mfx | 79 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 14, 2011 | Apr 14, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Flash URL | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Opens a URL by using Flash Mouse Listeners. For Flash Runtime only. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashURL.mfx | 78 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 26, 2011 | Apr 12, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Flash Vector | Clickteam | Beta 3 | Use and manipulate vector images (svg) in your swf applications. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashVector.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 08, 2011 | May 23, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
FlashFx | Looki | 2.0 | Flash only. Allows you to apply various effects and transformations to your objects. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | FlashFx.mfx | 83 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flash Player | Clickteam | 1 | Provides several actions and conditions useful for applications played in the Adobe® Flash® Player. | Other Objects | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Flash.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
Flint Particle Object | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows use of the open-source Flint Particle Engine developed by Richard Lord in your swf applications. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | Flint.mfx | 90 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jan 27, 2011 | Jan 27, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Flocking Object | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Add objects to a group of automatically moving objects that flock together. | Movement | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Flocking.mfx | 163 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Aug 23, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, M | No | No | ||
FLV Object | Clickteam | 1 | Displays a FLV video file from the Internet in your Flash application. | Video | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | FlashVideo.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
FMod Object | Xinok | 1 | Can perform modulus on floating point variables. Made obsolete by MMF2. | Math | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | fmod.mfx | 14 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Font Embed Object | Chris Denyer (Dines) | 1 | Registers a font for use without installing it and without allowing other programs to use it. More of a font enabler; requires you to embed the font yourself and have a font path at runtime. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | fontembed.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Sep 17, 2010 | Sep 17, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ForEach Object | Ross Pickett | 1.004 | Iterates through and helps manage instances of objects. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | ForEach.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | April 25, 2010 | Feb 12, 2011 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, _, _, P, M | No | No | Functionality was built into CF2.5, but can still be used via this ext. | |
Foreground Window Object | Jaffob | 1 | A simple extension that can get information about which window the user has in focus. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | FGWindow.mfx | 31 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 16, 2011 | Sep 16, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Format Object | LB | 1 | The Format Object allows you to define a file format, then use that format to save and load files. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | FormatObject.mfx | 219 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 15, 2012 | May 29, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Formatted Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Formats strings and numbers with several basic and advanced methods, allows logical tests and calculations within expressions and translates integers to french, english, spanish and/or german. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | fcFormatted.mfx | 62 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 20, 2009 | May 20, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Formatted Time String | Jean Villy Edberg | 1 | An object that lets you organize your dates and time in any way you choose and provide the output for a string to store and display. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fts.mfx | 14 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 09, 2006 | Dec 09, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
FTP Object | Clickteam | 1 | Provides online access through the Internet using FTP protocols. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Kcftp.mfx | 69 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Func Loop Object | Daniel Burke | 1 | Calls functions and performs fastloops within an application. This extension has been superceded by the Function Object. | Events | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | funcloop.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | Aug 24, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Function Eggtimer | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Function Eggtimer makes timed events much easier to make and control. For example you can call a function that first will be triggered after a delay you decide. Also allows for repeating functions and ever-repeating functions. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | FunctionEggtimer.mfx | 18 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2006 | Oct 02, 2010 | W, _, J, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, P, _ | No | No | ||
Function Object | Eliyahu | 1 | A simple, efficient, and Flash-compatible extension for calling functions, with the option of adding parameters and return values. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Function.mfx | 534 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 18, 2011 | Sep 24, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Game Center Achievement | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays one Game Center achievement in your iOS application. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | GameCenterAchievement.mfx | 86 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Game Center Achievements | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays Apple's Game Center achievements in your iOS application. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | GameCenterAchievements.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Game Center Connect | Francois Lionet | 1 | Allows Apple's Game Center features in your iOS application. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | GameCenterConnect.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Game Center Leaderboard | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays Apple's Game Center leaderboards in your iOS application. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | GameCenterLeaderboard.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Game Center Multiplayer | Francois Lionet | 1 | Create multiplayer application with Game Center. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | GameCenterMultiplayer.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Gamejolt API | Yunivers | v1.0.0 | Gamejolt Game API v1.2 wrapper. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | GamejoltGameAPI.mfx | 633 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 11, 2024 | Jun 11, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Open source: | |
Gamer Services | Francois Lionet | 1 | Gamer Services functionality for XNA apps. Provides sign-in, marketplace, etc. | Internet | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | XNAGamerServices.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
GamerSafe API | Pharanygitis | Beta | The complete GamerSafe API for Flash Runtime. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | GamerSafe.mfx | 37 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Jul 29, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | Original thread: | |
GamesChart API | Pharanygitis | Beta | The complete GamesChart API for Flash Runtime. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GamesChart.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Jul 08, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip had unnecessary .001 file. Original thread: | |
GameTracker API | Eliyahu | Beta 2 | Allows for use of FGL's GameTracker API in Flash applications. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | GameTracker.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 04, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Get and Kill Process | 2xD | 1 | Windows Vista and later. Gets process list, and kills processes by name. Supports Unicode. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GetKillProcess.mfx | 117 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Dec 09, 2020 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 24/01/2023. Previous version may have supported XP. | |
Get and Set Language Layout | 2xD | 1 | Gets and sets keyboard language layout. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | GetSetLanguageLayout.mfx | 159 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Aug 17, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Get and Set Master Volume | 2xD | 1 | Windows Vista and later. Gets and sets system's master volume. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GetSetMasterVolume.mfx | 118 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Aug 17, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Get and Set Mouse Speed | 2xD | 1 | Gets and sets system mouse speed. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | GetNSetMouseSpeed.mfx | 119 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Mar 18, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Get and Set Window | 2xD | 1 | Gets and sets a window by its title and class. Also some other basic functions. Supports Unicode. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GetSetWinUnicode.mfx | 121 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Aug 03, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Get Global Cursor | 2xD | 1 | Gets the current global cursor icon type. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | GetGlobalCursor.mfx | 118 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Aug 03, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Get Line Object | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1.1 | Easy navigating through lines from a text file. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | GetLine.mfx | 37 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 22, 2008 | Jan 22, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Get Movement | LIJI | 1 | Calculates information about the movement of an object, including angle, directional speed, and estimated MMF speed. | Movement | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | GETMOV.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Feb 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Get Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.4 | Can retrieve data from a URL via HTTP GET or POST. Supports EXE/Java/SWF. | Internet | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | Get.mfx | 317 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 06, 2009 | May 07, 2016 | W, _, _, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | Only use this installer if your current Fusion build doesn't have it. Win/Unicode Win updated from CTF2.5 build 253.3, but confirmed backwards compatible with F2.0 Std b258.1. XNA XBOX not supported, posssibly platform sandboxing. | |
Global Function Object | Daniel Burke | 1 | Enables you to call functions between two applications or sub-apps. | Events | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | globalfunction.mfx | 81 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | Aug 20, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Examples in wrong subfolder | |
Global Store X | z33z | 1 | Store lots of integer values, strings and boolean values globally. You can also save the data to an INI or binary file. | Storage | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | gstorex.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Global Value Object | Eliyahu | 1 | Create and store custom global values with ease. This extension has been discontinued by the author. | Data | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Straightforward | GlobalValueObject.mfx | 208 KB | N/A | Here | _, _, _, _ | May 13, 2009 | May 13, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Author site: , no sign of this extension though. |
Google Cloud Storage | Phi | b31 | $5 on ClickStore. Lets you access Google Cloud Storage, software similar to Google Drive but for storing data instead of files. Multithreaded uploading/downloading. Google's CS is a paid service. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Google Cloud Storage.mfx | 2258 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 11, 2016 | Feb 06, 2021 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Released on ClickStore. | |
Google Maps | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Use Google Maps in your swf applications. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | GoogleMaps.mfx | 85 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 30, 2011 | Mar 30, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, P, _ | No | No | Not to be confused with Android Google Maps. | |
Google Play Games Achievement | Clickteam | v2.0a | $16 on ClickStore for set. Access to Google Play achievements for your app. | Games | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | GPGAchievement.mfx | 322 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 14, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Google Play Games Cloud | Clickteam | v2.10 | $16 on ClickStore for set. Access to Google Play's small cloud storage for your app. | Games | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | GPGCloud.mfx | 323 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 24, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Google Play Games Connector | Clickteam | v2.0e | $16 on ClickStore for set. Access to Google Play login to your app. | Internet | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | GPGConnect.mfx | 327 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jul 12, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Google Play Games Leadboard | Clickteam | v2.0 | $16 on ClickStore for set. Access to Google Play leaderboards for your app. | Games | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | GPGLeaderboard.mfx | 324 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 14, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Google Play Games Multiplayers | Clickteam | v2.0g | Discontinued! $16 on ClickStore for set. For Android multiplayer, including cross-play with iOS and other platforms, use Lacewing Blue Client. Was access to Google Play multiplayer for Android phones only. GPG Multiplayer was ended by Google in 2020. | Internet | 3rd Party | Superceded | Undetermined | GPGPlayers.mfx | 315 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 18, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Google Play Games Quests & Events | Clickteam | v2.0 | $16 on ClickStore for set. Access to Google Play quests & events for your app. | Games | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | GPGQuests.mfx | 322 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 14, 2016 | Mar 03, 2018 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Gradient Calculator | GetHyper | 1 | Handles the maths needed to draw a gradient at runtime. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | GradCalc.mfx | 17 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | May 25, 2007 | May 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
GraphicFont (Mobile Font) | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays picture-based fonts in your app, rather than font-file-based fonts. | Text | Built-in | Useful | Undetermined | MobileFont.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
![]() | Gwerdy Movement Controller | Andrew Mather | 1.0b | This extension has been replaced by the Clickteam Movement Controller. | Movement | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | gwerdy-movement-controller.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 22, 2006 | Jun 22, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Hi-Score Object | Clickteam | 1 | Records the top scores for a game. | Games | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kchisc.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
HID Device Object | conceptgame | 1 | Basic object for communication with HID (Human Interface Device). | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | HIDDevice.mfx | 286 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 25, 2014 | Nov 25, 2014 | _, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Unicode version only. Source code:, | |
HTML5 | Francois Lionet | 1 | Reads browser/OS information and reads/writes cookies for HTML5/XNA apps. | System | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | HTML5.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
HTML5 - FGL | Francois Lionet | 1 | game and advertising access. HTML5 only. Shows up as fgl in Create New Object window. | Advertising | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | FGLObject.mfx | 1183 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, H, P, _ | No | Yes | HTML5 / UWP exporter only, thus CF2.5 only. | |
HTML Video | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays a video from the Internet in HTML5/XNA. | Video | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | HTML5Video.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
I Want My RPG! | Iwantmyrpg | Beta | Provides a variety of useful features for creating RPG games. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | IWMRPG.mfx | 128 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 23, 2010 | Aug 29, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
IconList Object | Herb | 1 | Icon List is capable of creating comboboxes with the ability to add 16x16 or 32x32 images by each line, and has added extras the original Combobox doesn't have. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | iconlist.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
IconView object | Tigerworks | 1 | Icon View can display a list of custom icons with labels, like the files in Windows Explorer. It also has options like mass selection, extracting icons from files and dragging. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | IconView.mfx | 56 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ID3 Object | Hampus Sjöberg (Cocodrilo) | 1 | Gets ID3 information from MP3 files, such as title, author, album, and more. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ID3.mfx | 86 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | May 20, 2007 | May 20, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses id3lib.dll. | |
IfElse Nest Object | Xinok | 1 | Allows for If, Else conditions. Supports Else IF and Nested IF to an unlimited depth. [Converted by Joshtek] | Events | Bonus Pack | Essential | Intermediate | ifelse.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
IFrame Object | Sloxone | 2 | HTML5 runtime, for adding a HTML iframe tag to your app. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | IFrame.mfx | 292 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | July 04, 2020 | July 03, 2020 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from original forum thread; | |
Image Manipulator | Herb | 1 | Manipulate and convert images with ease, with advanced features such as transformations and effects, supports major formats such as JPEG/PNG/BMP. | Other Objects | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | imageconv.mfx | 311 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Immediate If Object | Cragmyre & Matt Galanto | 2.01 | Performs conditionals within expressions. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | IIF.mfx | 18 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jul 04, 2006 | Jul 04, 2006 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, _, H, P, M | No | No | ||
In-App Android | Clickteam | 1 | Adds Amazon in-app purchase functionality to your apps. | Advertising | Built-in | Deprecated | Expert | InAppAndroid.mfx | 84 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
InAppReview | Clickteam | 1 | Allows Android apps to view the app's reviews on the Google Play app store. Requires Android API 21+. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | InAppReview.mfx | 4 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Jun 21, 2021 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | Requires API 21+. | |
InAppUpdate | Clickteam | 1 | Allows Android apps to read if updates are available for the current app on the Google Play app store. Not compatible with apps that use OBB files. Requires Android API 21+. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | InAppUpdate.mfx | 5 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Jun 30, 2021 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | Requires API 21+. | |
InAndOut Movement Controller | Clickteam | 1 | Controller for the InAndOut movement. | Movement | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | InAndOutController.mfx | 16 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, J, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Ini Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to store and retrieve any value or text to/from .INI files, in grouped key/value formats. This extension has been superceded by the INI++ object. | Storage | Built-in | Superceded | Intermediate | kcini.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Ini++ v1.5 | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1.5 | An improved version of the Ini object. Allows advanced manipulation of Ini files. v1.5 is an update of the original. online help file | Storage | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | INI++15.mfx | 421 KB | Here | N/A | R, H, E, _ | Mar 04, 2008 | Jan 01, 2017 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Current mirror is a Jan 2017 build downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. Old versions: . | |
Inline Loop Object | LB | 1 | This object allows you to have fastloops without an action to start them; when MMF2 gets to the condition, this extension starts the loop. Each loop condition can have a different number of times to run. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | InlineLoop.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 18, 2010 | Aug 18, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Input Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | This object can display dialogs in your application prompting the user to enter a number or some text. Also features username and password dialogs. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | kcinput.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, M | No | No | ||
Instance Communicator | Chris Branch | 1 | Detect other instances of your app and send messages to them. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Instance Communicator.mfx | 44 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 03, 2007 | Jun 03, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Int16384 | LB | Beta | This object gives you one unsigned and one signed 16384 bit (2 kilobyte) integer, and one 16384 bit (1 kilobyte, 1 kilobyte) float to work with. Uses a 'small' opensource free library from | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Int16384.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 27, 2012 | Dec 23, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Int64 Object | Tigerworks | 1 | The Int64 object can handle arithmetic with 64 bit numbers, i.e. integer numbers between -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. | Math | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | Int64.mfx | 22 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Integer Split | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | Provides LOWORD, HIWORD and MAKELONG expressions, useful for combining smaller numbers into larger ones. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | IntegerSplit.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 01, 2007 | Aug 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Integrated Path Planning Object | Mokhtar M. Khorshid | 1.1 | An object that support highly efficient advanced path planning operations. | Math | 3rd Party | Essential | Expert | MMKPathPlanner.mfx | 268 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Sep 15, 2010 | Sep 18, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | [badly formatted zip, contains dev-only exe installer that doesn't recognise Fusion 2.5] | |
Interface Bar Object | Daniel Rehn & Jonas Rehn | 1.0c | Graphical bar extension, useful for drawing custom health bars with backgrounds. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | ibar.mfx | 126 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 08, 2008 | Sep 05, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Internal List Object | LB | 2.01 | Allows you to utilize an invisible list object with many more features than the List object. It is not a Windows control so it does not slow your application down as much as the List object would. | Data | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | InternalList.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 01, 2011 | Mar 18, 2021 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Originally non-Unicode, now only Unicode. | |
Internet Connection Options | 2xD | 1 | Enables or disables the Internet connection, checks its availability, and opens URLs. Supports Unicode. Beside opening URLs, UAC admin and Win 7+ will be needed. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | InternetConnectionOperations.mfx | 115 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | N/A | Feb 16, 2018 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Pulled from CEM on 24th Jan 2023. | |
Inventory Object | Clickteam | 1 | Handles a complete inventory, using real Active Objects as items. Supports varying display modes and drag and drop. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Inventory.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Feb 15, 2012 | Mar 06, 2019 | W, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, _, M | No | No | ||
iOS | Francois Lionet | 1 | Extra functionality for iOS applications. | System | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | iOS.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | iOS Angle | Keith Adler | 1 | Gets the current Angle of the iOS device in an integer between 0 and 359. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Angle.mfx | 421 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 18, 2011 | Nov 18, 2011 | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | |
iOS Button | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays a button on iOS. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | iOSButton.mfx | 53 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
iOS Multiple Line Editbox | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays a multiple line edit box on iOS. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | iOSMultipleEdit.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
iOS Plus Object | Clickteam | 3.3 | $6 on ClickStore. Miscellanous iOS features. Currently allows audio to play from other apps, saves some small data to user preferences, gets app store ID and gets app rating. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Straightforward | iOSPlus.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | Sep 22, 2016 | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
![]() | iOS Shake | Keith Adler | 1 | Contains features related to device shaking. iOS only. | Control | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Shake.mfx | 421 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 18, 2011 | Nov 17, 2011 | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | |
iOS Single Line Editbox | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays an edit box on iOS. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | iOSSingleEdit.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
iOS Store | Clickteam & Anders Riggelsen | 1 | Gives you the functionality of in-app item purchases from the Apple store. | Internet | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | iOSStore.mfx | 18 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
iOS TimeStamp | Pharanygitis | 1 | Gets the current Unix timestamp on iOS (and Windows). | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | iOSTimeStamp.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 11, 2012 | Sep 03, 2012 | W, _, _, F, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Flash one excluded from download, added from Nivram's site, so may be dodgy. Looki ported to Windows. Original thread: | |
![]() | iOS WebView | jjsonick | Beta | Allows you to embed online content into your app via iOS's built-in UIWebView component. iOS only. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | WebView.mfx | 57 KB | N/A | Here | _, H, E, _ | Aug 17, 2011 | Aug 17, 2011 | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | |
iOS/MacOS Video | Clickteam | 1 | Displays a video on iOS/Mac devices. Dev only. | Video | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | iOSVideo.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, M | Yes | No | Name changes to iOS Video dependent on exporters installed. | |
IronSource | G2F2 Media | 1.3 | $25 on ClickStore. Ad monetization with IronSource (formerly Supersonic). Includes interstitial, offer walls and videos. | Advertising | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | IronSource.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 17, 2016 | Mar 07, 2019 | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Is Key Pressed Outside | 2xD | 1 | Checks if any mouse or key was pressed outside of the application. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | IsKeyPressedOutside.mfx | 117 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Is Running As Admin | 2xD | 1 | Check if current application is running as administrator. Only for Windows Vista and higher. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | IsRunAsAdmin.mfx | 116 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
IShellLink | Olivier Wenger | 1 | Allows you to create and read the details of shortcut files (.lnk files) via IShellLink. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | IShellLink.mfx | 71 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Open-source, | |
Isometric Grid object | Tigerworks | 1 | The Isometric Grid object enables you to create complex multi-levelled pseudo-3D isometric worlds, with full support for the Z-axis and different levels in your isometric world. | Games | Bonus Pack | Essential | Advanced | IsoGrd2.mfx | 46 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Joypad Object | z33z | 1 | Reads joypad and joystick state. This extension has been superceded by SDL Object. | Control | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | joystick.mfx | 40 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 29, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Joystick 2 Object | z33z | 1.4 | An object to read the joystick/gamepad. Get the state of up to 128 joystick buttons, 6 axes and the point-of-view hat for up to 16 joysticks. This extension has been superceded by SDL Object. | Control | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Joystick2.mfx | 188 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 08, 2008 | Aug 18, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Joystick Control object | Clickteam | 1 | Controls virtual joystick input for iOS, Android, HTML5, UWP, XNA applications. | Control | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | JoystickControl.mfx | 77 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
JSON Object | LB | 1.1.0 | $1 for Android or HTML5. Windows is free. Reads JSON from text and allows you to navigate it. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | JSON_Object.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jul 14, 2013 | Jan 28, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | Android: , HTML5: . Open source: | |
JSON++ Object | gui8515 | v0.0.80-alpha | An object to read and create/write JSON files. Currently Windows only. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | JSONPlusPlus.mfx | 1470 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | May 03, 2023 | Aug 15, 2023 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Previously named JSON++.mfx. Original CT forum thread | |
KBD (KeyState Object) | Algul | 1 | Reads the state of keyboard buttons in an expression. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | KBD.mfx | 78 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 29, 2009 | Dec 29, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Kernel Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Interfaces a lot of the Kernel and User32 functions | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | fcKernel.mfx | 61 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 15, 2007 | Sep 15, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Key Object | LIJI | 1 | Can get if key is down even if not in focus via Virtual Key, String and MMF's built in dialog. Jamie's Keyboard Object has similar functionality with a more polished interface. | Control | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Key.mfx | 98 KB | Here | N/A | R, H, _, _ | Oct 26, 2007 | Oct 26, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Keyboard Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | A clean and functional alternative to Control X and the Key object, this object can detect keypresses when the application is out of focus, and read the last pressed key. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Keyboard.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 16, 2009 | Jun 14, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Packaging includes unnecessary root folder. | |
Kiosk Helper | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1 | Some ready to use events for kiosk software and presentations. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | kiosk.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 11, 2009 | Jan 11, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Klystrack Object | Phi | b4 | Plays C64, NES, and Amiga-styled chiptunes via Klystrack library (*.kt files). You can convert *.mod, *.xm, *.sid file formats to *.kt in the (not included) Klystrack program. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Klystrack.mfx | 423 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 03, 2018 | Jul 07, 2022 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Created at paid request of Darkhog. Open-source on , base library Klystrack open-source on . | |
![]() | Kongregate API | Pharanygitis | Alpha | Implements the Kongregate API into your Flash application. | Advertising | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | Kongregate.mfx | 26 KB | N/A | Here | _, _, _, _ | Apr 14, 2011 | Apr 14, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread and no download |
Lacewing Blue Client | Phi | b104 | Multiplayer games, MMORPG, MMO, etc. Supports Android, iOS, Mac, HTML5, UWP, multithreading and is still actively maintained, unlike Relay. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Bluewing Client.mfx | 854 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Oct 21, 2009 | Mar 27, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, A, I, _, _, H, P, M | No | No | Public server list and more info: . Open-source on GitHub MMF2Exts repo. | |
Lacewing Blue Server | Phi | b38 | Multiplayer games, MMORPG, MMO, etc. Has less bugs than Relay and supports several modes of event handling. Also in French and Portuguese. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Bluewing Server.mfx | 994 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jun 30, 2017 | Mar 27, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, A, I, _, _, _, _, M | No | No | Public server list and more info: . Open-source on GitHub MMF2Exts repo. | |
Lacewing Relay Client | Jamie McLaughlin | Build 20 | Superceded by Lacewing Blue Client. Multiplayer, MMORPG, MMO. More information is available at | Internet | 3rd Party | Superceded | Advanced | Lacewing.mfx | 217 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 21, 2009 | Sep 12, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, A, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Lacewing Relay Server | Jamie McLaughlin | Build 20 | This extension is a full implementation of the Lacewing networking protocol, acting as a server. More information is available at | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | LacewingServer.mfx | 235 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 21, 2009 | Sep 12, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Lacewing Webserver | Jamie McLaughlin | Build 20 | This extension allows you to host a HTTP/1.1 webserver controlled by your Fusion events, using the Lacewing::Webserver C++ library. More information is available at | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | LacewingWebserver.mfx | 193 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 21, 2009 | Sep 12, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Lamp Object | Bornemix | 0.01 Beta | For use with a Lamp sheet. Create one Lamp per light source (will become holes in the sheet). | Graphics | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Straightforward | Lamp.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Oct 15, 2009 | Oct 15, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Lamp Object - Sheet | Bornemix | 0.01 Beta | When enabled, blacks out the entire area of the extension except for any Lamp objects present on screen. Each level is meant to have max 1 Lamp sheet. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Straightforward | LampSheet.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Oct 15, 2009 | Oct 15, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Landscape Generator | Pharanygitis | Beta | Complete Landscape generator for smooth islands. Flash only. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | LandScapeGen.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | Here | _, _, E, _ | Jun 21, 2011 | Jun 21, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread and no download |
Layer Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to change the order of the objects in a frame. Can also show, hide or move layers. | Other Objects | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | Layer.mfx | 57 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
LeadBolt | Clickteam | 4.0 | Allows Fusion Android/iOS apps to use the LeadBolt advertising network. | Advertising | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | LeadBolt.mfx | 121 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Lens Object | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Make good looking distortions to the background as if it was seen through a piece of glass. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | Lens.mfx | 55 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Apr 22, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Level-Save Object | Jaffob | 1.1 | Easily add save/load functionality to level designers or world editors. This extension prioritizes functionality; for ease of use, use Stone Goose Level Object. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | LevelSave.mfx | 244 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jun 25, 2009 | Sep 02, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Line Surface | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | Provides a surface to draw lines to. This extension is obsolete; use the Surface Object or Advanced Line Object instead. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | LineSurface.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 14, 2008 | Jan 14, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
List | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you create customizable lists of strings in your applications. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kclist.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
List & Set Object II | Jack Webster (Jax) | Beta 2 | Define lists and operate upon them. Pre-release. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ListSetII.mfx | 520 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Aug 27, 2010 | Aug 27, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
List of Numbers | ColdFire | 1.2 | Allows you to store an invisible list of numbers very quickly. For strings, consider the Internal List Object. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | LOI.mfx | 33 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 15, 2012 | Jan 26, 2019 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
List View | Clickteam | 1 | Windows control designed to display a list of items consisting of text displayed in a grid form. For Pro version only. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | ListView.mfx | 65 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Live Account Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension can retrieve any Windows Live Messenger accounts on the computer, and get the email address and password. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | LiveAccount.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 10, 2008 | Sep 10, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Local Flash Connection | Pharanygitis | Beta | A Extension to communicate with local connections for multiple SWF instances. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | LocalConnection.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | Here | _, _, _, _ | Apr 11, 2011 | Apr 11, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread and no download |
Local IP | RickyRombo | Beta | This extension will retrieve the local network IP address for a computer. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | LocalIP.mfx | 122 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 14, 2011 | Aug 27, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Local IP++ | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | Beta 1 | Created with permission from the author of Local IP. This is a more advanced version with the ability to enumerate network adapters. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | LocalIP++.mfx | 72 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 17, 2011 | Aug 17, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Location | Clickteam | 1 | Retrieves the GPS location on devices that support it. | System | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Location.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
Lua Object | Donald May (vortex2) | 1 | An object that allows you to use the scripting langue Lua in MMF2! | Script | Bonus Pack | Useful | Advanced | LuaMMF2.mfx | 233 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 06, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Lua+ | Jamie McLaughlin | N/A | This extension allows you to use the Lua scripting language in MMF2. This extension has been discontinued; use XLua instead. | Script | 3rd Party | Superceded | Advanced | LuaPlus.mfx | 241 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Dec 31, 2007 | Dec 31, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
LZMA2 Object | Phi | b22 | $2 on ClickStore. LZMA2 compression, with a homebrew file coalescing (many files into one file) system. Multithreaded - no stalling Fusion while it happens. LZMA2 allows you to increase effort to compress, so you produce a smaller output file, but with near-equal decompression time. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | LZMA2 Object.mfx | 359 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | Dec 11, 2018 | May 30, 2022 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | Only available on ClickStore | |
MagicDeque | Chris Branch | 1 | Different type of array, much more dynamic than most arrays, useful for anything where groups of data can change, where things can be removed at any point, and for sorting multiple arrays. | Array | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | MagicDeque.mfx | 150 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 27, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Map Object | ColdFire | Beta | Allows you to store a map and load/save it to a binary file. It enables you to make map with layers and store it with a collison mask and event info in one file. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | map.mfx | 31 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 30, 2012 | Apr 29, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Masked Edit | xtraverse | 1 | Create Edit Boxes that only accept certain formats of input. Easy for structured input such as phone numbers, serial numbers, dates, and much more. MMF2 Developer only. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | maskedit.mfx | 92 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
MCI Object | Clickteam | 1 | Microsoft standard for controlling any multimedia device connected to your computer. | Audio | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | kcmci.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Memory Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.2 | This extension can read and write the memory of the current process and other processes. It can also create threads. | Data | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Memory.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 04, 2007 | Mar 25, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Message Box and Asker | G2F2 Media | 4.4 | Creates a wide variety of dialog boxes and input fields to display in your application. Also has some other miscellaneous features. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | KcDialog.mfx | 147 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 20, 2009 | Nov 22, 2011 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MessageBox Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Open customized message boxes and handle them with ID. Superceded by Powerful Dialogs Object. | Interface | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | fcMsgBox.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 16, 2008 | Dec 18, 2013 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Unicode version is not MMF2-compatible. | |
Microtimer | Looki | 1 | A timer object that is capable of measuring microseconds (millionths of a second). Use for profiling. | Time | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Microtimer.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 23, 2017 | Jul 19, 2017 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. Seems to be same as forum, but CEM reporting an update needed, so mirror marked as purple. Original forum link: | |
MIDI Object | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | Beta 3 | Allows for interaction with MIDI files and MIDI devices. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | midi.mfx | 99 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 26, 2011 | Aug 18, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Miniature Audiere | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.2 | A simple audio extension capable of playing a variety of formats. See the download page for installation instructions. This extension is obsolete; use Onu instead. | Audio | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | MiniatureAudiere.mfx | 31 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, O | Sep 14, 2007 | Sep 15, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses audiere.dll, must be included with app. | |
Minimap Object | Daniel Rehn | 1 | Create a minimap with ease. This extension has been discontinued; use Minimap 2 instead. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Superceded | Intermediate | minimap.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 29, 2007 | Dec 29, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Minimap Object 2 | Daniel Rehn & Jonas Rehn | 1 | Create a minimap for your game with ease. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | minimap2.mfx | 131 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 03, 2009 | Aug 17, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mixer Object | Clickteam | 1 | Gives you direct control over the volume of your sound samples and MIDI music files. | Audio | Built-in | Handy | Intermediate | kcmixer.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MLP Neural Network | Mokhtar M. Khorshid & z33z | 1.1 | An MLP Neural Network extension, useful for AI programming. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | MMKMLP.mfx | 203 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jun 18, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MMF2/CF Params Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Get and set MMF2 application settings at runtime. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | fcMMF2params.mfx | 39 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 15, 2007 | Jan 01, 2014 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mobile Utilities | Clickteam | 1 | Set of utilities for Java Mobile and iOS applications | Other Objects | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | MobileUtilities.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, J, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Mochi Analytics | Clickteam | 1 | Provides the Mochi Analytics functionality to Fusion SWF applications. Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Intermediate | MochiAnalytics.mfx | 13 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mochi Coins | Clickteam | 1 | Provides the Mochi Coins functionality to Fusion SWF applications.Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Intermediate | MochiCoins.mfx | 14 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mochi Connector | Clickteam | 1 | This object is required for the other Mochi extensions to function. Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Intermediate | MochiConnector.mfx | 13 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mochi Scores | Clickteam | 1 | Provides the Mochi Scores functionality to Fusion SWF applications. Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Intermediate | MochiScores.mfx | 14 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mochi Social | Clickteam | 1 | Provides the Mochi Social functionality to Fusion SWF applications. Do not use: Mochi Ads service is closed down. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Intermediate | MochiSocial.mfx | 14 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mode 7 Ex | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Renders basic 3D environments in your MMF application. This extension has been superceded by a variety of other 3D extensions. | 3D | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Advanced | mode7ex.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ModFusion eX | Josh Whelchel | 1 | This object plays tracked modules in MMF2. This extension is obsolete; use Onu instead. | Audio | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Intermediate | ModFusionEX.mfx | 376 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MooClick | Clickteam | 1 | Implementation of the Moo protocol. Moo is unsupported and now obsolete; use Lacewing instead. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Advanced | mooclick.mfx | 98 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MooGame | Clickteam | 1 | Implementation of the Moo protocol. Moo is unsupported and now obsolete; use Lacewing instead. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Advanced | moogame.mfx | 106 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MooSock | Clickteam | 1 | Implementation of the Moo protocol. Moo is unsupported and now obsolete; use Lacewing instead. | Internet | Built-in | Obsolete | Advanced | moosock.mfx | 65 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Mouse Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Enables you to get and set the mouse cursor position. Power System Object and Big Box Object can do this with many more features, although this may be useful for simplicity and small size. | System | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kcmouse.mfx | 11 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Mar 03, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Move by Bézier | Ross Pickett | 1.1 | Can move objects around on a Bézier curve in a queue. | Movement | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | MoveBezier.mfx | 180 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 01, 2008 | Mar 07, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Move Safely 2 Object | David Clark (Alien) | 1 | Allow multiple objects to move 'safely' from one point to another taking 'in-between steps' rather than jumping, allowing you to test for collisions. | Movement | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | MoveSafely2.mfx | 19 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
MoveIt | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | MoveIt allows you to easily move objects to a given position. This extension has been superceded by the Easing Object. | Movement | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Intermediate | MoveIt.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Apr 22, 2009 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
MPEG Object | Clickteam | 1 | Plays MPEG files. Note: you should use the AVI or DirectShow object rather than this object. | Video | Built-in | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcmpeg.mfx | 49 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
MT Random Object | Chris Branch | 1 | The Mersenne Twister random number generator is a highly optimised random generator; it can generate a number within any range, including decimal numbers. | Math | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | MTRandom.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, _, _, A, I, N, X, _, _, M | No | No | ||
Multi Monitor Support | Clickteam | 1 | Enables multiple monitor support and control. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Undetermined | MultiMon.mfx | 64 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | Jan 23, 2015 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | Download from CEM, 30/11/16. | |
Multiple Touch | Clickteam | 1 | Retrieves touches on a touch screen (iOS and Android). | Control | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | MultipleTouch.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
Named Variable Object | z33z | 1 | Array whose items are identified with a string, the key. Each element in the array can hold one value and one key. The whole array can be saved and loaded in several file formats. | Storage | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | nvar.mfx | 268 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 27, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Native Notifications Manager | ColdFire | 1 | Android notifications object. | System | 3rd Party | Undetermined | Undetermined | NativeNotification.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 30, 2015 | Jul 30, 2015 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | ||
Network Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows applications to communicate through a local network by opening a channel for communication between two computers. | Network | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | kcmslot.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Newgrounds API | Jamie McLaughlin | Beta | Provides access to the Newgrounds ad/score/medal APIs. Only available in Flash applications. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Newgrounds.mfx | 123 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 07, 2010 | Dec 06, 2010 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Incomp. | Not Unicode compatible. Crashes Unicode Fusion versions on load. | |
Nifflas Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.2 | This extension has numerous features useful to Nifflas. This extension is obsolete; use the Stochastic Utility object instead. | Math | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | Nifflas.mfx | 36 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 24, 2008 | Apr 27, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Node Traversal Object | Joshtek | 1 | Two collections of hyphen-separated elements are input into the object. The object traverses the first collection left-to-right until it finds an element which exists in the second collection. It then traverses the second collection right-to-left from the convergence point and returns the path traversed. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | NodeTraversal.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 24, 2007 | Jun 24, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Noise | Kacper Bugla | 1.0.1 | Generates noise with several algorithms, including Perlin. Good for map generation. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | Noise.mfx | 233 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 12, 2021 | Sep 27, 2022 | _, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Help file is kept on a GitHub wiki. | |
NRG753 Volume Information | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | Given a root path, will give the volumes label. By request of NRG753. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | VOLINFO.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 23, 2007 | May 18, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Numeric Up-Down Control | Ross Pickett | 1 | Adds a Numeric Up-Down/Spinbox control to the frame. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | NumUpDown.mfx | 94 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | May 22, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Object Flagger | Looki | 1 | Can set an object's flag by value and set all flags via bitmask. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ObjFlag.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 18, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Object Mover | Clickteam | 1 | A surface that moves all the objects above it when it moves. | Movement | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | ObjectMover.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Object Resizer | Jaffob | 1.1 | The object resizer helps size objects quickly and easily, using actual dimensions as opposed to scale. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ObjResize.mfx | 98 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 17, 2008 | Feb 14, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ODBC Object | Clickteam | 1 | Provides a direct way of accessing information from an external database. | Database | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | kcodbc.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OINC Client | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | Superceded and unstable - was entirely rewritten as Lacewing, please use that instead. Implements the OINC protocol. | Internet | 3rd Party | Superceded | Advanced | OINC_Client.mfx | 133 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Onu Audio Object | Josh Whelchel | 1.16 | A powerful and advanced audio package with the ability to play module files, as well as many other formats. This is the core controller for the package. REQUIRES ONU DLL IN SYSWOW64. | Audio | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Onu.mfx | 261 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Engineer - Advanced Sound | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | Allows for playback of cached wave files in the Onu Audio System. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuEng_AdvSound.mfx | 106 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Engineer - ModFusion | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | Allows for the playback of Modules in the Onu Audio System. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuEng_Mod.mfx | 556 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Engineer - OGG | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | Allows for the playback of OGGs in the Onu Audio System. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuEng_Ogg.mfx | 258 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Engineer - Simple PCM Wave | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | Allows for playback of PCM wave files in the Onu Audio System. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuEng_Wave.mfx | 114 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Visualizer - Oscilloscope | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | An Oscilloscope Visualization for Onu Decks that draws waveforms. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuViz_Osc.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Visualizer - Spectrum Analyzer | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | Draws the visual spectrum from an Onu Deck. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuViz_FFT.mfx | 120 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Onu Visualizer - Volume | Josh Whelchel | 1.1 | A volume visualization for Onu Decks. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | OnuViz_Vol.mfx | 122 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Dec 17, 2007 | Jul 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged due to misfiled contents. Uses libsndfile-1.dll and OnuEdit.dll. Copy OnuEdit.dll to C:\Windows\SysWOW64. May also need libsndfile-1.dll in SYSWOW64 too, on some OSes. | |
Open CHM Help | 2xD | 1 | Opens a CHM help file at root or on a specific page. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | OpenCHMHelp.mfx | 117 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Mar 13, 2017 | Mar 13, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 23/09/2017. | |
Open URLs Object | Jaffob | 1.1 | The Open URLs Object can open URLs in the default web browser. This extension is obsolete; use the Vitalize! Plug-in or a flash extension to do this. | Internet | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | OpenURLs.mfx | 92 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 02, 2008 | Oct 04, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenAL Object | Looki | Beta | Allows you to play WAV and OGG files and microphone input in a 3D surround environment with realistic realtime effects. Requires ALURE32.dll included with your app. Based on OpenAL Soft and Alure by Chris Robinson. | Audio | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | OpenAL.mfx | 790 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 31, 2011 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires ALURE32.dll, repackaged to include. Source code: | |
OpenCapture | conceptgame | 1.21 | Renders and saves webcams to file. Includes object tracking; include a face tracking example. | Video | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | OpenCapture.mfx | 3987 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Nov 13, 2014 | Jun 18, 2018 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Repackaged; zip contains Example, not Examples. Other versions with source code. Source code: | |
Open via Photo Viewer | 2xD | 1 | Opens an image in Windows' default Photo Viewer application. Supports Unicode. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | OpenViaPhotoViewer.mfx | 116 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Aug 17, 2017 | Aug 17, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
OpenCV - 2D Points | Bornemix | Beta 0.1 | Collection of 2D points for use as parameter and return value | Graphics | 3rd Party | Unstable | Advanced | opencv-collection of 2d points.mfx | 86 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | N/A | Jul 18, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenCV - 2D Rectangles | Bornemix | Beta 0.1 | Collection of 2D rectangles for use as parameter and return value | Graphics | 3rd Party | Unstable | Advanced | opencv-collection of 2d rectangles.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | N/A | Jul 18, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenCV - Camera | Bornemix | Beta 0.1 | Camera instance. Represents one camera. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Unstable | Advanced | opencv-camera.mfx | 258 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | N/A | Jul 07, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses cv.dll, cxcore.dll, highgui.dll. | |
OpenCV - Image | Bornemix | Beta 0.1 | General-purpose image data type. Often used to show a live camera feed. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Unstable | Advanced | opencv-image.mfx | 92 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | N/A | Jul 18, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses cv.dll, cxcore.dll, highgui.dll. | |
OpenCV - Main | Bornemix | Beta 0.1 | Almighty main instance. Only one of these per MMF frame (level). Specifies things like logging. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Unstable | Advanced | opencv-main.mfx | 86 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | N/A | Jul 18, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses cv.dll, cxcore.dll, highgui.dll. | |
OpenGL | Looki | 1 | OpenGL renderer. Last updated in 2009. Not related to the OpenGL set by Min, or the OpenGL by Algul. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL.mfx | 242 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Jul 06, 2009 | Jul 06, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses glew32.dll in Fusion root and Data\Runtime. | |
OpenGL - 3D Sprites | Min | Beta | Render 3D sprites. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-3DSprites.mfx | 98 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Jun 07, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - 3D Sprites Advanced | Algul | Beta | An advanced version of the 3D sprites component of OpenGL. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Advanced | OpenGL-3DSpritesAdvanced.mfx | 148 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Sep 05, 2011 | Sep 05, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip file rearranged. Source of zip unknown, date of ext also unknown. | |
OpenGL - Base | Min | Beta | Base window for other OpenGL objects to draw to. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-Base.mfx | 73 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Apr 19, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - Bitmap Font | Algul | Beta | This extension draws 2D text in OpenGL using bitmap fonts. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Intermediate | OpenGL-BitmapFont.mfx | 186 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Sep 12, 2011 | Sep 12, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenGL - Bullet Debug Draw | Algul | Beta | Add-on to the Bullet Physics extension to quickly visualize the simulation. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Advanced | OpenGL-Bullet.mfx | 717 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 12, 2011 | Oct 12, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenGL - Bullet Physics | Algul | Beta | Early beta version of 3D physics extension using Bullet physics library. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Advanced | OpenGL-BulletDebugDraw.mfx | 189 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 12, 2011 | Oct 12, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
OpenGL - Camera | Min | Beta | Easy to use perspective view camera. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-Camera.mfx | 95 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Jun 07, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - Clear Control | Min | Beta | Lets you clear the color and depth buffers. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-ClearControl.mfx | 77 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Apr 19, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - Lighting (Advanced) | Min | Beta | Control lighting in the OpenGL scene ( advanced version. ) | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-LightingAdvanced.mfx | 89 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Apr 19, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - MS3D | Min | Beta | Load and render MilkShape 3D models. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-MS3D.mfx | 147 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Jun 07, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL Primitive | Looki | N/A | This extension has been discontinued by the author. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Undetermined | OpenGL-Primitive.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | N/A | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | See also: | |
OpenGL - Texture Bank | Min | Beta | Holds a variable number of textures. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-TextureBank.mfx | 113 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Apr 30, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OpenGL - Texture External | Min | Beta | Load textures from external image files. | 3D | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Expert | OpenGL-TextureExternal.mfx | 68 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 10, 2010 | Jun 08, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Worth noting the Examples just says OpenGL, not OpenGL Collection | |
OS Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to retrieve system information (user name, language, environment variables, etc.). For Pro version only. | System | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | KcSyso.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
OS Information | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | Beta | Retrieves various types of information about the operating system, such as the version of Windows installed. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | osinfo.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Feb 13, 2010 | Feb 13, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | CT download link requires login. | |
OUYA object | Clickteam | 1 | Provides special functionality on OUYA devices. OUYA is only available in Android exporter. | System | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | OUYA.mfx | 124 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Overlay Redux | Cragmyre | 3.06 | Advanced graphical drawing extension for MMF2. This extension has been superceded by the Surface Object, although other extensions still interact with it. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Superceded | Intermediate | Overlay.mfx | 55 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jul 10, 2006 | Jul 10, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
PackX Object | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | This object preforms the (apparently useful) task of packing a string into a number, and unpacking it again. This extension may be bugged and/or unstable. | Text | 3rd Party | Unstable | Straightforward | packx.mfx | 20 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 19, 2007 | Oct 19, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Parallaxer | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Create 3D-like parallax effects from 2D source images. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Parallaxer.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2006 | Aug 31, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Particle Effects | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension can render very fast particle effects using many pixels, each with a speed and instability value. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | ParticleEffect.mfx | 32 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Dec 01, 2007 | Dec 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Particle Spray Object | Mattis Lorentzon | 1 | Particle Simulator. By manipulating its setup values you can create an unlimited number of effects. Fire, Explosions, Paint Spray, Water, Rain, Snow... | Games | Bonus Pack | Useful | Advanced | ParticleSpray.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jan 02, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Pathfinding Object | z33z | 1 | Implement pathfinding AI into your games - set a grid of obstacle/clear cells, set start and destination coordinates, and the object will calculate the quickest path to the destination. | Math | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | pathfind.mfx | 139 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Apr 25, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
PC Shutdown Operations | 2xD | 1 | All the PC shutdown, lock, standby, hibernate etc operations. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | PCShutdownOperations.mfx | 116 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 23/09/2017. | |
PDF Object | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | Beta 2 | Enables you to generate PDF files in your EXE and Flash applications. | Files | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | PDF.mfx | 237 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 31, 2011 | Mar 15, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
PDF Viewer | conceptgame | 1 | Minimal extension for displaying PDF in Android apps. Requires API 21+. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | PDFViewer.mfx | 263 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | May 15, 2020 | May 15, 2020 | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Requires API 21+. Source code: (dummy Windows side, | |
Perspective Object | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Can distort the background with the following effects: Perspective, Panorama, Sine Wave, Sine Offset, Custom and Custom Offset. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Perspective.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2006 | Jul 31, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P, _ | No | No | ||
Phizix - Box2D | Jonas Rehn & Daniel Rehn | 1.2 | Physics using Erin Catto's Box2D engine. | Movement | 3rd Party | Essential | Expert | B2D.mfx | 518 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 09, 2009 | Mar 02, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | HWA version included. Packaging a big mess. | |
![]() | Phizix - Box2D v2.0.0 | Jonas Rehn | Beta | Physics using the Box2D engine by Erin Catto. This is a beta version of a massive update to the original Box2D extension. | Movement | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | box2d_2.0.mfx | 543 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 01, 2011 | Jun 02, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Phizix - Chipmunk Engine | Daniel Rehn & Jonas Rehn | 1 | Physics using Chipmunk Game Dynamics. This extension has been superceded by the Box2D Object. | Movement | 3rd Party | Superceded | Advanced | ChipX.mfx | 190 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Nov 23, 2007 | Nov 23, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Physics - Engine | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Core handling of the physics movements | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DBase.mfx | 284 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Fan | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Generate wind that shifts the objects. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DFan.mfx | 103 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Ground | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Defines the ground of the playfield. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DGround.mfx | 79 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Joint | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Creates revolute joints between objects. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DJoint.mfx | 95 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Magnet | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Attracts objects to itself. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DMagnet.mfx | 95 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Particles | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Creates particles in the playfield. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DParticules.mfx | 116 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Rope and Chain | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Creates ropes, chains or bridges in the playfield. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DRopeAndChain.mfx | 126 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Physics - Treadmill | Francois Lionet | 1 | CF2.5 Physics: Moves objects at a constant speed in one direction. | Games | Built-in | Useful | Advanced | Box2DTreadmill.mfx | 104 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, F, U, A, I, _, X, H, P, M | No | Yes | ||
Picture | Clickteam | 1 | Displays an image file as background object. | Background | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | kcpict.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, H, P, _ | No | No | ||
Ping Pong | Looki | 1 | Allows you to ping websites and resolve IP addresses. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | PingPong.mfx | 78 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Sep 27, 2012 | Sep 27, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16. | |
Pipe Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | Executes batch files. This extension is obsolete; use the Console Object instead. | System | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | pipe.mfx | 65 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 15, 2006 | Jul 15, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Pitch Detection | Looki | N/A | Gets pitch of audio drivers. This extension has been discontinued. | Audio | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Advanced | pitch.mfx | 100 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, O | Feb 22, 2009 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires fmodex.dll included with app. | |
Pixel Object | LIJI | 1 | Gets, sets and compares the colors of pixels on the frame. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | Pixel.mfx | 49 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Mar 04, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Platform Movement Object | Olle Fredriksson (Fodo) | 1 | A powerful alternative to MMF's built-in platform movement. Easy to use and provides you with everything you need to create functional, flexible, custom platform games. | Movement | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | Platform.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Platform Swing Object | Donald May | 1 | Assists with creating swinging and moving obstacles for platform games. | Movement | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | PlatSwing.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jun 30, 2006 | Jun 30, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
PlayTomic API | Pharanygitis | Beta | The full PlayTomic API, including leaderboards, analytics, level sharing, link tracking, and GeoIP. Flash only. | Internet | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | PlayTomic.mfx | 33 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 07, 2011 | Apr 07, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Old forum link: | |
PO Localizer | Yunivers | v1.0.0 | Uses Portable Object (PO) format to localize your app. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | PO Localizer.mfx | 472 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 28, 2024 | Nov 28, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Popup Menu | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you create customizable popup menus in your applications. Superceded by Advanced Menu Object, although may be useful for simplicity. | Interface | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | PopupMenu.mfx | 45 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Popup Message Object 2 | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Displays Windows (and HTML5) popup message boxes. Superceded by Powerful Dialogs Object, although may be useful for simplicity. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kcpop.mfx | 19 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | May 27, 2020 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | 3rd-party HTML5 port available from GitHub . Due to being in a pack, it's not redstributed by Darkwire. | |
PostgreSQL | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1.2 | Easy access to the free and powerful PostgreSQL database management system. | Database | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | PostgreSQL.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 19, 2009 | Oct 19, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | Uses a lot of DLLs: comerr32.dll, gssapi32.dll, k5sprt32.dll, krb5_32.dll, libeay32.dll, libiconv-2.dll, libintl-8.dll, libpq.dll, ssleay32.dll. | |
Position Array Object | Loïc Ovigne (Xenon3000) | 1.1 | Moves, rotates and scales positions for easy movement of multiple objects. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | PositionArray.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 31, 2015 | Dec 18, 2019 | _, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | Yes? | ||
Position Controller | Jaffob | 1 | Contains features for positioning active objects. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | PosControl.mfx | 70 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Dec 18, 2009 | Dec 17, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Power Registry | Rafae Rosal | 1 | This object allows you to retrieve or write all types of values from or to the registry. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | PowerRegistry.mfx | 30 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 07, 2010 | Jul 07, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Power System Object | Jaffob | 2.2 | Contains powerful features related to files and other system properties. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | PowerSystem.mfx | 139 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jan 21, 2009 | Jul 29, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Powerful Dialogs Object | Jaffob | 1 | Add a wide variety of dialog boxes to your applications with many features. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | DialogPower.mfx | 123 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 11, 2009 | Mar 03, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Preset Array | RickyRombo | 3 | An array object with preset data. | Array | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | PresetArray.mfx | 114 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 30, 2011 | Apr 30, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Prime Object | Xinok | 1 | Searches for prime numbers. This object is obsolete; use Advanced Math Object instead. | Math | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | prime.mfx | 14 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Print Control Object | G2F2 Media | 1.1 | Provides advanced printing control in your application. | Printer | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | PrintCtrl.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 24, 2011 | Oct 19, 2011 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Print Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to print the screen or an area of your application window. | Printer | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | kcprint.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Process Viewer | xtraverse | 1 | Can retrieve information about all processes, threads, and modules on your system, and even terminate processes. MMF2 Developer only. | System | Bonus Pack | Essential | Intermediate | process.mfx | 20 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Progress Bar Object | Chris Branch | 1 | A full-featured progress indicator. Can display as a smooth or segmented bar. Provides control of display colors, step size, and more. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | ProgressBar.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 23, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
pxtone Player | Arthur Lee | 1 | Allows for the playback of Studio Pixel's pxtune music format. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | pxPlay.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 08, 2007 | Oct 08, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Python Object | Mathias Kærlev | 1 | Provides a Python interpreter, useful for eg. game scripting. | Script | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Python.mfx | 316 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, O | Apr 10, 2010 | Apr 10, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Uses python26.dll, should be in Fusion root and Data\Runtime. | |
QR/Bar Scan Code | JustAnApp & G2F2 Media | 2.1 | Allows Android/iOS apps to scan QR or bar codes. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Scan.mfx | 53 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | Jun 08, 2017 | Nov 13, 2019 | _, _, _, _, _, A, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM 26/01/2023, merged with older examples and ANSI MFX from earlier downloads. | |
Quadratic Roots | Kornelijepetak | 1 | Calculates roots of quadratic equations. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Quadratic.mfx | 17 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 19, 2007 | Jun 19, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Won't appear in Fusion, in any version. | |
Queue Object | Hampus Sjöberg (Cocodrilo) | 1 | This extension lets you put in data into a queue. The way the items is getting retreived is First in, first out. Special thanks goes to Bornemix. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Queue.mfx | 35 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 13, 2009 | Apr 13, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Quick Save | Przemyslaw Prygiel | 1 | Android only. Quick Save object allow you to save and retrieve data in the from of key, value pair. Available from ClickStore, for free. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | QuickSave.mfx | 26 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, O | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Clickstore free purchase. | |
Quick Token Object | Andrew Mather | 1.6 | Tokenizes strings using single characters, in one expression. Also features a variety of other string functions. | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | QuickToken.mfx | 20 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 26, 2006 | Jul 26, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
QuickHash object | Herb | 1 | QuickHash is a hashing extension capable of hashing files and text using many different algorithms, including MD5, SHA-1 and SHA-2. MMF2 Developer only. | Protection | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | QuickHash.mfx | 72 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
QuickTime | Clickteam | 1 | Plays QuickTime and QuickTimeVR files. | Video | Built-in | Essential | Straightforward | kcqtw3.mfx | 69 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
QuickTime 2 | Clickteam | 1 | Plays QuickTime 2 files. Obsolete, please use the QuickTime object instead. | Video | Built-in | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcqtw.mfx | 49 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
QuickTime VR 2 | Clickteam | 1 | Plays QuickTimeVR 2 files. Obsolete, please use the QuickTime object instead. | Video | Built-in | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcqtvr.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Quiz Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to create complex quizzes within MMF. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | Quiz.mfx | 475 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Random Multipool | Mokhtar M. Khorshid | 1.2.1 | The natural evolution of the Random Pool. | Math | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | MMKRandomMultiPool.mfx | 199 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Apr 09, 2010 | Jun 12, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Random Names Generator | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1.3 | Easy to use name generator functionality in your programs. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | namegen.mfx | 19 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 18, 2008 | Oct 20, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires mfxNameGen.dll | |
Random Pool | Mokhtar M. Khorshid | 1 | Generates a pool of random numbers. This extension has been superceded by the Random Multipool object. | Math | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Intermediate | MMKRandomPool.mfx | 19 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Randomizer Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Can generate random numbers, and call groups of events randomly. | Math | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | kcrandom.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, J, _, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Raw Socket | Pharanygitis | Beta | A socket extension for Flash. | Network | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | RawSocket.mfx | 28 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 06, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip had mispelled Examples folder and unnecessary 001 file. Original thread: | |
Raycasting Object | Daniel Rehn | 1 | Renders a 3D perspective in a 2D map. Available only through the October 2009 Issue of Klikdisc. | 3D | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | raycast.mfx | 249 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, O | Sep 23, 2009 | Oct 07, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
Registry++ | Jaffob | 1 | Adds advanced registry control to your application. MMF2 Developer only. | System | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Registry++.mfx | 156 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Sep 12, 2009 | Sep 10, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Registry2 | Clickteam | 1 | The Registry2 object allows you to retrieve or write values from or to the registry. This extension has been superceded by the Registry++ and Power Registry objects. | System | Built-in | Superceded | Advanced | Registry2.mfx | 23 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Regular Expressions | Chris Branch | 1 | Bring the power of advanced string matching, splitting and parsing to your applications with regular expressions (regex). MMF2 Developer only. | Text | Bonus Pack | Essential | Advanced | RegularExpression.mfx | 185 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Resources Object | MFA | Beta | Allows you to add files as resources into executable files, and save any resources in EXEs into files. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | resources.mfx | 78 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 22, 2011 | Apr 22, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Rich Edit Object | Clickteam | 1 | Enhanced editable formated text box. Can display, load, save RTF files. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | kcriched.mfx | 73 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
RPG Movement | ColdFire | 1 | Allows you to create your own RPG movement like in RPGMaker. | Movement | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | RPGMov.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 30, 2012 | Apr 30, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip is a mess. Repackaged. | |
RSS Feed | Eliyahu | Beta | This object can download and read RSS 2.0 Feeds in Flash applications. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | RSS.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 04, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
RTSP Object | Phi | b16 | Plays internet webcam video streams. Allows URL login. (MJPEG/H.264 video streams, over RTSP/HTTP/HTTPS). Supports saving to video file, snapshots, and motion detection. | Video | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | RTSP Object.mfx | 5467 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Private release. | |
Runtime Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This is a simple extension to detect which runtime the application is running under, which means you can make particular rows of actions e.g. SWF-only events, iOS-only events. In CF2.5, this was built into the General/Special Object. | Events | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | KcRuntime.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 31, 2011 | Sep 01, 2011 | W, _, J, F, U, A, I, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Glues itself as not updated in CEM. Current version from CEM 10/12/2017. | |
Sandy3D | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | Beta | Allows use of the open-source Sandy 3D engine originally developed by Thomas Pfeiffer. Supports 3D primitives and animated MD2 models. Flash only. | 3D | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | Sandy3D.mfx | 96 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 29, 2011 | Jan 29, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Save Game Object | Olle Fredriksson (Fodo) | 1 | The Save Game Object was made for saving and loading information of Active Objects to memory and/or to disk. It lets you specify what you want to save. | Storage | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | SaveGame.mfx | 22 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | Scatter Plot | Loïc Ovigne (Xenon3000) | 1 | Performs calculations with scatter plots. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | ScatterPlot.mfx | 97 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jan 07, 2011 | Jan 07, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Scintilla 2 | Looki | Beta | Create professional code editors and viewers using this object. Requires SciLexer.dll (see notes). | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Scintilla.mfx | 262 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 05, 2009 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires SciLexer.dll, not in original download. Copy it to Data\Runtime and built EXE folders. | |
Scope Control | Bartek B (Uppernate) | 0.5.1 | The ultimate object for advanced scope/selection control. | Events | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | ScopeControl.mfx | 541 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 01, 2021 | Apr 15, 2022 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | Source code: . CT forum thread: | |
Screen Capture | Clickteam | 1 | Lets you capture screen areas and save them as graphic files. | Graphics | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | Capture.mfx | 57 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Screen Draw Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension can draw anywhere on the screen (even outside the runtime window). | Graphics | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Straightforward | ScreenDraw.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 20, 2008 | Oct 20, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Screen Pixel Object | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension can retrieve the color of any pixel on the screen. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ScreenPixel.mfx | 18 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 19, 2008 | Oct 19, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Screen Pixel Object Extended | 2xD | 1 | Returns color of screen pixel at position. Finds pixel color or image on screen and returns its position. Supports high DPI. For Windows Vista and higher. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ScreenPixelExt.mfx | 130 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Screen Pixel Object Extended (Windows XP) | 2xD | 1 | Returns color of screen pixel at position. Finds pixel color or image on screen and returns its position. Supports high DPI. For Windows XP only. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ScreenPixelExtXP.mfx | 130 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Screen Capture SWF | RickyRombo | Beta | This extension allows you to capture an area or the entire SWF as a png and save it to the user's computer. Flash only. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ScreenCapture.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Screen Zoom | Francois Lionet | 1 | Android, iOS, Mac, HTML5 only. Scales, rotates and animates your application's screen and layers. | Graphics | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | ScreenZoom.mfx | 52 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, A, I, _, X, H, _, M | No | Yes | ||
SDL Joystick | PkR | 1.60 | Uses SDL 2 for joystick and gamepad functionality. Windows only. Requires external DLL files, included. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | SDLJoy.mfx | 303 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 05, 2020 | Feb 05, 2023 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Source code: . | |
SDL Object | Phi | b10 | Uses SDL 3 for joystick and gamepad functionality. Includes support for native direction/360 movement calculation, a help file and examples. Has no external DLL files. Supports multiple platforms. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | SDL Object.mfx | 1107 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | Feb 05, 2020 | Jun 20, 2023 | W, _, _, _, U, A, I, _, _, H, _, M | No | No | Source code: . Based on the SDL Joystick object, but spun off and rewritten after a lot of testing. | |
Search Object | Clickteam | 1 | Searches text files for a specific word or phrase and reports back with the location of the search string. | Files | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | kcsearch.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Seconds to HMS | Hampus Sjöberg (Cocodrilo) | 1 | This extension can convert seconds to hours, minutes and seconds. | Time | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SecToHMS.mfx | 65 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 01, 2007 | May 01, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Select Object | Dynasoft | 0.11 Beta | Selects objects through conditions such as Highest alterable value A, and can also reselect all objects after a condition. | Events | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Select.mfx | 75 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | May 25, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Serial Object | Aaron Wynn (aw5) | 1.0c | Serial port communication in MMF2. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Serial.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Feb 12, 2009 | Jun 16, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Service Manager | Rafae Rosal | Alpha | Service Manager allows you to control system services. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | srv.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jul 16, 2010 | Jul 16, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Set Leading Zeros and N Digitals After Decimal Point | 2xD | 1 | Sets leading zero or n digits after decimal point for a numerical string. | Text | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | LZND.mfx | 173 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Shadow Object | Daniel Rehn | Beta 1 | Non-HWA display mode only. Creates shadow effects for active objects. Costs $1 on ClickStore. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | shadow.mfx | 102 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Oct 19, 2009 | Oct 19, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Does not work in HWA. While I have a copy of this object, it's only obtained by buying from ClickStore, or from Klikdisc December 2009. | |
Share on iOS | Richard Pichler | 2 | $3 on ClickStore. Add share functionalities on iOS. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | ShareiOS.mfx | 9999 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 19, 2015 | Mar 19, 2015 | _, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Shared Data | Clickteam | 1 | Allows different applications to share data (numbers and/or text). | Data | Built-in | Useful | Intermediate | kcshare.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Shared Object | Pharanygitis | Beta | Share and read data in the cache. Flash only. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SharedObject.mfx | 24 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 13, 2011 | Apr 13, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | Orig thread: | |
Shutdown Object | Robbie Shields | 1 | Allows you to shutdown and restart the computer, and log off the current user. This extension is obsolete; use The Big Box instead. | System | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Straightforward | shutdown.mfx | 68 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2006 | Aug 19, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Simple Message Box | 2xD | 1 | A fast and simple message box. Supports Unicode. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SimpleMsgBox.mfx | 115 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
![]() | Simple Inventory | Algul | Prototype | Stores inventory data with ease. Allows for creation of item types and stores them. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | SimpleInventory.mfx | 134 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | Sep 14, 2011 | Sep 14, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Sleep Object | Xinok | 1 | Lowers CPU usage by idling app between cycles. Made obsolete by MMF2. | System | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Intermediate | sleep.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack; examples misfoldered. | |
SlowLoop Object | LB | 1 | Made by request of Jacob Jacob Pariseau. This object can do some simple repeat events similar to MMF2's built in function, but with more flexability such as naming and getting/setting index. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | SlowLoop.mfx | 30 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 29, 2011 | Apr 29, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Sort X | z33z | 1 | Sort a 1-dimensional array of numbers. You can also get the original address of the numbers inserted, as well as a handy autosorting function. | Data | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | sort.mfx | 36 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Sound Generator | Looki | 1.4 | Allows you to generate cool sound effects at runtime - Based on sfxr, a superb sound generation tool by Tomas Pettersson. Requires Sound Player to play the sounds. | Audio | 3rd Party | Abandoned | Intermediate | SoundGenerator.mfx | 165 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, _, _ | Oct 24, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Generator abandoned, but was originally a pair with Advanced Sound Player. Has a runtime-only version here: | |
Sound Object | Looki | N/A | This extension allows you to load and play sounds, and also generate sounds. This extension has been discontinued; the author has replaced it with the Advanced Sound objects. | Audio | 3rd Party | Superceded | Intermediate | AdvSound.mfx | 180 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Sep 07, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Sound Player | Looki | 1.4 | This extension allows you to load and play sounds dynamically (by specifying their name in expressions). | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | SoundPlayer.mfx | 116 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 24, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
SoundTouch | conceptgame | 1 | Modifies WAV files in a limited fashion - changes tempo, pitch, frequency. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SoundTouch.mfx | 182 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Nov 25, 2014 | Nov 25, 2014 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No? | No? | Requires third-party DLL SoundTouch.dll alongside MFX in built apps. Source code on Base library from Repackaged zip; original had SoundTouch.dll in Exts\Unicode, not Fusion root. | |
SPC Player Object | Herb & _Splith_ | 1 | Plays SNES Music (.spc) files. | Audio | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SPC.mfx | 61 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2006 | Aug 19, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Speech Bubble | David Clark (Alien) | 1 | Easily create stylish speech bubbles with shadows, outlines, rounded corners, arrows and more! | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Handy | Straightforward | speechbubble.mfx | 39 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 22, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Spellcheck Object | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | Easily check through text for suggestions with advanced options such as contractions and custom word lists. MMF2 Developer only. | Text | Bonus Pack | Essential | Intermediate | Spellcheck5.mfx | 151 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Spriter Object | conceptgame | 1.3 | Alternative to the active object where animations are edited in an external tool called Spriter and procedurally rendered in CF2.5. Spriter site: | Games | 3rd Party | Essential | Undetermined | Spriter.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 13, 2015 | May 20, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Yes | Source code:, . Forum thread: | |
SQL ODBC Object | Darkwire Software | b8 | Accesses SQL databases by use of ODBC. Can connect to any variant of SQL, if you have the ODBC driver for it. Has been tested with MSSQL, MySQL, MariaDB. | Database | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | SQL ODBC.mfx | 373 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 13, 2017 | Sep 09, 2020 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
SQL Server | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 1.7 | Support for fast and easy ADO connection with Microsoft SQL Server. | Database | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | sqlserver.mfx | 53 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 20, 2008 | Oct 22, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Requires mmfSqlServer.dll. | |
SQLDB | James St. Jean | 1 | SQLDB. SQL database interaction. This extension is obsolete; it may have useful features, but it is old and disorganized, and not compatible with EXE. | Database | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Intermediate | sql.mfx | 303 KB | Here | Here | _, H, E, O | Jul 23, 2006 | Jul 23, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | MFX unfoldered, examples jumbled | |
SQLite 3 | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 2 | Adds the functionality of the latest SQLite library. Also includes some basic commands from the SQLite API and other stuff. | Database | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | SQLite3.mfx | 48 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 10, 2009 | Oct 10, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
SQLite 3 PRO | Andre Guerreiro Neto (byo) | 2 | Adds the functionality of the latest SQLite library. The professional version also includes some additional commands to deal with BLOBs, encrypted files and some other goodies. MMF2 developer only. | Database | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | SQLite3PRO.mfx | 62 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 12, 2009 | Oct 12, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Static ANNs w/ Genetic Algorithm | Dane Wesley Jessen (CodeCannon) | 1 | A population of artificial neural networks (feedforward/LSTM) trained by a genetic algorithm (ESP). Neural networks allow you to implement a flexible, black-box style artificial intelligence system in your application. | Math | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | static-genetic-daic.mfx | 314 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 23, 2009 | Jun 23, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Static Text | Clickteam | 1 | Simple line of text displayed as a control. | Interface | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | StaticText.mfx | 36 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Steamworks | Jonathan Pittock | 1 | Interacts with the Steam gaming network. | Internet | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Steamworks.mfx | 35 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, O | N/A | May 04, 2016 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Clickstore free purchase. | |
Sticky Object | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1.3 | Sticky Object makes it easy to attach objects to each other. This extension has been superceded by the Position Controller. | Movement | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | StickyObject.mfx | 22 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Mar 19, 2007 | Mar 19, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Stochastic Utility | Nicklas Nygren (Nifflas) | 1.2 | Contains a variety of random features, mostly related to calculations, but also includes a random number feature and some other things. | Other Objects | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Stochastic Utility.mfx | 139 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 09, 2010 | Aug 23, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Stone Goose Level Object | MattEsch | Beta | Saves level information to an XML level file, and loads the data back with callbacks for object recreation. This extension prioritizes ease of use; for functionality, use the Level-Save Object. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | SGLevelObject.mfx | 139 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 18, 2012 | Feb 18, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Store Float Object | Xinok | 1 | Converts between the floating point and long data types for storage purposes. [Converted by Joshtek] | Data | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | storefloat.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Store X | z33z | 1 | Store lots of integer values, strings and boolean values, but not globally. You can also save the data to an INI or binary file. | Storage | Bonus Pack | Useful | Intermediate | storex.mfx | 94 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
String Generator | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Create custom length, random strings, using letters, numbers, and/or symbols. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | strgenobj.mfx | 96 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 14, 2009 | Aug 12, 2010 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
String Parser | 3EE | 1 | Gives the developer access to powerful parsing and tokenizing functions to tear apart or put together strings and substrings of information. | Text | Bonus Pack | Essential | Intermediate | parser.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
String Repeater | Jamie McLaughlin | 1 | This extension can repeat a string a specified amount of times. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | StringRepeater.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jun 09, 2008 | Jun 09, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
String Tokenizer | Jamie McLaughlin | 1.45 | Can split a string up based on single character delimiters, as requested by Nifflas. | Text | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | StringTokenizer.mfx | 26 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Sep 14, 2007 | Apr 25, 2011 | W, _, J, F, U, A, I, N, _, H, _, M | No | No | ||
Stringsort X | z33z | 1 | Sort a 1-dimensional array of strings. You can also get the original address of the strings inserted, as well as a handy autosorting function. | Data | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | ssort.mfx | 77 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Substring Replace | Jack Webster (Jax) | 2 | Replaces substrings with other substrings. Also has some other text manipulation features. | Text | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | StringReplace.mfx | 43 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Feb 05, 2007 | May 29, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Substring Replace Unicode | 2xD | 1 | Unicode only. Replaces substrings with other substrings. Also has some other text manipulation features. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | SubstringReplaceUnicode.mfx | 121 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 12, 2017 | Mar 12, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. CEM says updated from thread version, but original thread: | |
Sunken Camera | Sunken Studios & Yunivers | v1.0.9 | Fusion frame scrolling like a FNAF camera, designed for customizability. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | SunkenCamera.mfx | 214 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 09, 2024 | Nov 14, 2024 | W, _, _, _, U, A, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | ||
Super Function Object | James St. Jean | Beta | Calls functions and loops in MMF. This extension has been superceded by the Function Object. | Events | 3rd Party | Superceded | Intermediate | sfunc.mfx | 307 KB | Here | Here | _, H, E, _ | Sep 02, 2006 | Sep 02, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | MFX unfoldered | |
Superbar Progress Bar | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | 1.3 | Enables your application to draw progress bars using the window's taskbar button. This will only work in Windows 7. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | sbprogress.mfx | 42 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Dec 06, 2009 | Jan 07, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Badly formatted, zip contains root readme | |
Surface Object | Looki | 1.5 Beta 2 | An editable canvas much like Overlay Redux, but with support for multiple images, alpha channels, and more. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | Surface.mfx | 308 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | July 18, 2010 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, F, U, _, _, _, _, H, _, _ | No | No | HWA-compatible. Help file added from older version, available here: . Partial HTML5 port: | |
System Tray Object | Matt Galanto | 1.06 | Manage icons in the system tray. $10 license if used commercially. This extension is obsolete; use Advanced Tray Object instead. | System | 3rd Party | Obsolete | Intermediate | SysTray.mfx | 36 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jul 09, 2006 | Jul 09, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tab Control | Looki | 1.1 | Add tabbing to your applications, e.g. for file managing. Icon made by Ganryu. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | tabc.mfx | 110 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Nov 09, 2008 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Ported by Phi to Unicode; see on GitHub MMF2Exts repo. | |
Tablet Object | Looki | 1 | Receive data (e.g. pressure) from graphics tablets and Tablet PC's. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | tablet.mfx | 96 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, _, _ | Oct 26, 2008 | Oct 26, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Examples in wrong subfolder | |
Take Screenshot | 2xD | 1 | Takes a screenshot of the screen or a rectangular region and saves it to a bitmap or clipboard. Supports high DPI. Only for Windows Vista and higher. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | TakeScreenshot.mfx | 121 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Take Screenshot (Windows XP) | 2xD | 1 | Takes a screenshot of the screen or a rectangular region and saves it to a bitmap or clipboard. Supports high DPI. Windows XP only. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | TakeScreenshotXP.mfx | 121 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Taskbar Info | 2xD | 1 | Gets taskbar information. Can hide, show taskbar and start button. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | TaskbarInfo.mfx | 118 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
![]() | Task Dialog Object | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Displays a variety of dialogs in your application. Windows Vista/7 only. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | taskdialog.mfx | 117 KB | N/A | Here | R, H, E, _ | Oct 15, 2009 | Oct 15, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
![]() | Task Priority Object | Clickteam | 1 | Obsolete, this object does nothing, the CPU usage is now automatic. | System | Built-in | Obsolete | Advanced | kctaskpr.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Text Blitter | Christopher Lightfoot | 1 | Allows you to use bitmap fonts in your application. For MMF2 Developer users, this extension has been superceded by the Character Image Object. | Graphics | Bonus Pack | Essential | Straightforward | txtblt.mfx | 118 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 27, 2009 | W, _, J, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Text Threshold | LIJI | 1.3 | Gets the color the text should be in by the background and the threshold value. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | textthreshold.mfx | 65 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Oct 24, 2006 | May 14, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Text to Speech Object | Daniel Rehn | 1 | Text to Speech object using the Speech SDK. This extension has been superceded by the TTS Advanced object. | Audio | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | TextToSpeech.mfx | 60 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 22, 2006 | Sep 22, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Textfile Object | Jaffob | 1 | Quickly gets and sets the contents of text files, using only a single action and expression. Also see Get Line object. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Textfile.mfx | 95 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Apr 21, 2011 | Oct 17, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
The Big Box | Phanoo | 1 | Contains a wide variety of random features, mostly related to the system. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | bigbox.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Aug 23, 2006 | Aug 23, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Ticker Object | Chris Denyer (Dines) | 1 | An extension which allows you to set and retrieve a string or number from within expressions. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Ticker.mfx | 27 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 07, 2012 | Mar 07, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tile Cost Object | Looki | 1 | Calculates the available tiles within an available cost range on a grid map. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | TileDistances.mfx | 104 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 18, 2011 | Apr 07, 2015 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tile LOS | Eliyahu | 1 | Determines lines of sight in a tile-based map. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | LOS.mfx | 506 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 13, 2011 | Aug 19, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | Incomp. | Unicode incompatible. Crashes Unicode Fusion versions on load. | |
Tile Map | Looki | Beta 4 | Stores maps made up of tiles. Designed for powerful and efficient handling of large maps. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | TileMap.mfx | 266 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 23, 2012 | Aug 14, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | HWA-compatible. Flash version lost. | |
Tile Map Viewport | Looki | Beta 4 | Renders an attached Tile Map object's map. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | TileMapView.mfx | 126 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 23, 2012 | Aug 14, 2016 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | HWA-compatible. Flash version lost. | |
Tile Platform Engine | Eliyahu | Beta | An object for tile-based platform games that can contain multiple bodies, all using rectangular collisions. Designed for speed and handling multiple objects. | Games | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | tilePlatform.mfx | 137 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 04, 2012 | Mar 04, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Had to be repackaged, in unnecessary subfolder. | |
TileBox Object | RickyRombo | 1.2 | Easily create an object with 9 images (4 angles, 4 sides and 1 center image). Supports changing images at runtime and Flash. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | TileBox.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Apr 10, 2011 | Apr 11, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tiled Map Loader | RootKernel | 14 | Easily load tiled maps. | Games | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | TiledMapLoader.mfx | 280 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 01, 2013 | Jul 10, 2015 | W, _, _, _, _, _, I, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Had to be repackaged, had a thumbnail db, also missing iOS export file. | |
Time X | z33z | 1 | This object lets you create any number of timers you want and control them independantly. It also lets you pause the application, compare to the current time using an expression, and get the current date/time as numbers or month/day names. | Time | Bonus Pack | Useful | Straightforward | timex.mfx | 40 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Jul 07, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Timeline Object | LB | 1 | This object allows you to trigger events by name via a timeline that can go forward and backward in time. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Timeline.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Oct 11, 2010 | Oct 10, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Timer Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Adds an additional timer to your application, and provides date and time functionality as well. This extension has been superceded by the Time X and TimeString objects. | Time | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kctime.mfx | 15 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
TimeStamp Object | Dynasoft | 0.1 | Creates and manipulates timestamps. This extension has been superceded by the TimeString Object. | Time | 3rd Party | Superceded | Straightforward | TimeStamp.mfx | 69 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Sep 10, 2006 | Sep 10, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
TimeString Object | Jaffob | 1.1 | Easily create custom date and time stamps with many features. See the help file for how to use the object. | Time | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | TimeString.mfx | 90 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 23, 2009 | Jan 25, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Titlebar Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Gets and sets the text of the application window's titlebar. This extension is obsolete; use Window Control object instead. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kctitle.mfx | 11 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | No longer loads in newer versions of Fusion, even Fusion 2.0. | |
Tokens Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Tokenizes (splits) strings based on a set of characters. This extension has been superceded by the String Tokenizer and String Parser objects. | Text | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kctoken.mfx | 13 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ToolTip Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to display tooltips and balloon windows in your application. | Interface | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | ToolTip.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Trackbar Object | Jean Villy Edberg | 1 | Adds a track/slider bar control to your application. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | trackbar.mfx | 22 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Mar 14, 2008 | Mar 01, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | purple because zip contains installer | |
Tray Icon Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Creates an icon for your application in the Windows Notification Area, a.k.a. System Tray on your taskbar. This extension has been superceded by the Advanced Tray Object. | System | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Straightforward | kctray.mfx | 20 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tree Control | Clickteam | 1 | Windows control, allows you to display a hierarchical list of items. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | TreeControl.mfx | 77 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Tree Lister | Phi | b14 | Loops through and lists a tree of folders/files, breaking the loop into parts. Lets you check file/directory attributes e.g. hidden, system, read-only. | Files | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | Tree Lister.mfx | 244 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | Apr 20, 2016 | Feb 22, 2021 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Private release. | |
Trial Period Object | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to make demo versions that expire after a given time. | Protection | Built-in | Handy | Advanced | Kctp.mfx | 40 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
TTS Advanced | z33z | 1 | Synthesizes speech using your system's text-to-speech engine. | Audio | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | tts.mfx | 114 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 29, 2008 | Jan 29, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | [badly formatted zip, badly named folders] | |
TweenMax | Pharanygitis | Beta | Provides Tweening for Flash Runtime, which is similar to the functionality of the Easing Object. | Movement | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | TweenMax.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | _, _, E, _ | Apr 13, 2011 | Apr 13, 2013 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Warning: some assembly required for ZIP - 3rd party piece must be obtained and added manually. For mirrored download, I did that myself. Original thread: | |
UHSD Object | Matt Galanto | 1.04 | Automates some of the processes required by the UHSD. $5 license if used commercially. The purpose and usability of this extension is unclear. | Database | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | UHSD.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jul 09, 2006 | Jul 09, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Ultimate Fullscreen | Sebastian Janisz (UltimateWalrus) | 1.1 | A better fullscreen solution that preserves aspect ratio and allows for widescreen configurations such as vert- and hor+. | System | 3rd Party | Essential | Straightforward | ultimatefullscreen.mfx | 88 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jul 22, 2011 | Jul 23, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | You should visit the official download site. Unfortunately, ExtensionView can't be made to do that. Besides that, Examples file is not within Examples folder. | |
Unrar Object | Hampus Sjöberg (Cocodrilo) | 1 | This extension lets you extract, test or list a RAR archive. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | Unrar.mfx | 54 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, O | Apr 12, 2009 | Apr 12, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Zip contains installer. Note that the installer installs incorrectly: the unrar.dll file should be in Fusion root, but is put in Extensions instead. | |
URL Encoder | LIJI | 1.1 | Encodes URLs and parts of URLs according to your settings. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | urlencoder.mfx | 25 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 25, 2008 | Oct 26, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Useful Fastloops | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | Use functions, fastloops and chunked fastloops with ID or Names. Useful for loading data with a fastloop for more than one frame. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | fcUFastLoops.mfx | 41 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 20, 2009 | May 20, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Useful Functions Object | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | Beta | This is the version of the Windows Functions Object designed for pre Windows 7 users. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | usefulfuncs.mfx | 99 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Oct 31, 2010 | Oct 31, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Windows Vista and lower variant of Windows Functions Object. If you're targeting that version, use this object. | |
UTF-16 Object | Phi | b6 | Manipulates text into UTF-16 (Unicode) format from memory, and UTF-8 format. Useful for internationalisation of non-Unicode, raw-memory exts, like Lacewing Relay Client. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | UTF16 Object.mfx | 194 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Feb 27, 2016 | Jul 07, 2022 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | This object deals with Unicode, so there is no non-Unicode version possible. | |
Value Packer | Min | 1 | Pack several smaller values into one 32 bit variable or retrieve them. | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | ValuePacker.mfx | 23 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 14, 2009 | Nov 14, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | RAR file | |
Value-Add Object | Dynasoft | 1.09 | Adds unlimited Alterable Values to any object. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | ValueAdd.mfx | 110 KB | Here | Here | R, H, _, _ | Jan 07, 2008 | Sep 06, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
VBScript / JScript | 2xD | 1 | Runs a VBScript or JScript string. | Script | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | VBScriptJScript.mfx | 123 KB | Here | N/A | R, _, E, _ | Aug 18, 2017 | Aug 18, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Downloaded from CEM on 10/12/2017. | |
Vector Math Object | Justin Aquadro (Retriever2) | 1 | This object contains numerous routines for manipulating vectors and square matrices up to 4D. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | Vecmath.mfx | 299 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 30, 2010 | Oct 18, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
![]() | VectorialShape | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | Beta 4 | Create, modify and use a vectorial shape with multi-points, fast antialiasing, fine collision detection, fill features, transformations, text box, and many other features. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | fcVectorialShape.mfx | 113 KB | N/A | Here | _, _, E, _ | May 17, 2008 | May 03, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No? | |
Video Android | Clickteam | 1 | Displays a video on Android devices. Dev only. | Video | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | VideoAndroid.mfx | 58 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, A, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
VideoPro Object | G2F2 Media | 5.2 | Powerful video object with many professional features. | Video | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | KcVideo.mfx | 162 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 15, 2010 | Jun 22, 2011 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Viewport | Anders Riggelsen (Andos) | 1 | Stretch, zoom and flip a part of the visible graphic surface to your likings and display it in a moveable object. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | Viewport.mfx | 16 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jul 14, 2006 | Jul 14, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Vitalize! Plug-in | Clickteam | 1 | Allows your application to communicate with the Web browser through the Vitalize! plugin. | Internet | Built-in | Deprecated | Intermediate | kcplugin.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Volume Object | Daniel Burke | 1 | This object can set the volume as seen in the system tray's volume control program. It can also mute or unmute a device and control each channel (left, right, etc) separately. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | volume.mfx | 102 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Sep 21, 2006 | Aug 24, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
WaitFor + Chances | RickyRombo | 1.2 | Can generate randomness and counts loops after an event. | Events | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | WaitFor.mfx | 82 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 05, 2010 | Jun 17, 2011 | W, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Wargame Map Object | Chris Branch | 1 | Calculates paths through a hexagonal map. | Math | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | WargameMap.mfx | 29 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 23, 2008 | Sep 19, 2013 | W, _, J, F, _, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | Alternative platforms provided by Fusion installers. Because exporters are different between MMF2 and CF2.5, they're not included here. | |
Water Surface Object | Daniel Rehn | 1 | Dynamic water surface; applies ripples and other liquid effects to the image beneath it. | Graphics | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | waterSurface.mfx | 106 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Sep 26, 2009 | Sep 26, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Web Control Object | G2F2 Media | 4.0u | Implements a web browser and other powerful internet features into your application. | Interface | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | KcWebX.mfx | 636 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 24, 2009 | Jan 13, 2012 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
Web Query Object | Phi | b19 | $5 on ClickStore. A superpowered Get object. Accesses HTTP/HTTPS servers using any HTTP method - GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc. Async queries. Allows you to specify the content body, including files. | Internet | 3rd Party | Handy | Advanced | Web Query Object.mfx | 1077 KB | N/A | Here | R, _, E, _ | May 28, 2018 | Oct 26, 2021 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ClickStore paid purchase. | |
Web View Object | G2F2 Media | 2.3a | Object to display webpages from URLs/HTML files. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Intermediate | WebView2.mfx | 136 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Apr 23, 2013 | Nov 09, 2022 | W, _, _, _, U, A, I, _, _, _, _, M | No | No | Official download missing iOS port; this is added by exporters. Merged with download from CEM, 10/12/2017. | |
While Object | Xinok | 1 | Allows for While loops and nested loops. [Converted by Joshtek] | Events | Bonus Pack | Handy | Intermediate | while.mfx | 20 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Aug 19, 2005 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Repackaged from multipack. | |
Wiimote Object | Daniel Rehn & Jonas Rehn | 1 | Allows use of the Wiimote. | Control | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | wiimote.mfx | 192 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 13, 2008 | Aug 13, 2008 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Window Control | Clickteam | 1 | Allows you to control the window used to display your application. | Interface | Built-in | Essential | Intermediate | kcwctrl.mfx | 27 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, J, F, U, A, I, N, X, H, P, M | No | No | ||
Window Focus Object | Marcello Bastea-Forte (Cellosoft) | 1 | Detects whether or not the window is in focus. This extension is obsolete; use MMF's Window Control object instead. | Interface | Bonus Pack | Obsolete | Straightforward | kcfocus.mfx | 10 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Oct 30, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Window Life Object | Flavien Clermont (Sphax) | 1 | This object allows you to set minimum/maximum size of the window and get events when moving and sizing it. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | fcWindowLife.mfx | 57 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Jan 31, 2009 | Jan 31, 2009 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Window Shape | Clickteam | 1 | Used to modify the shape of your application window. You can apply pre-defined shapes or even a mask via an image. | Interface | Built-in | Useful | Straightforward | kcshape.mfx | 57 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | W, V, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Window Transparency | G2F2 Media | 2 | Set the transparency value or Alpha Color of a window, frame or sub application. | Interface | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | WndTransp.mfx | 60 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Nov 26, 2009 | Feb 29, 2012 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Windows Functions Object | Timothy Ellis (Crazy_Ivan) | Beta 2 | Contains a small variety of features relating to the operating system and display. Windows 7 only. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | winfuncs.mfx | 120 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Oct 21, 2010 | Oct 20, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | For targeting Windows 7 and higher only. For Vista and lower, see Useful Functions Object. | |
Window Message Object Pro | Matt Galanto | 1.04 | Intercepts and sends window messages. | System | 3rd Party | Useful | Advanced | WinMessPro.mfx | 44 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 09, 2006 | Jul 09, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Window Scrollbar | ouly | 1 | Adds a scrollbar to the application window and enables interaction with it. | Interface | 3rd Party | Useful | Straightforward | windowscrollbar.mfx | 71 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Mar 16, 2010 | Nov 21, 2010 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
WMI Object | Danny Worth | 1.1 | For performing WMI queries. Useful for retrieving all sorts of information from a system. CF2.5 Dev only. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | WMI.mfx | 590 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Jul 18, 2017 | Jul 23, 2017 | _, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | Yes | Downloaded from CEM 10/12/2017. | |
Xable Card Object | ProdigyX | 1 | For use with card games. | Data | 3rd Party | Useful | Undetermined | XableCardObject.mfx | 168 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 27, 2015 | May 27, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16, with pointless HWA stripped. Official site: . Open-source link there. | |
Xable Character Object | ProdigyX | 1 | Counts number of occurances of an character in text. | Text | 3rd Party | Handy | Straightforward | XableCharacterObject.mfx | 148 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 27, 2015 | May 27, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16, with pointless HWA stripped. Official site: . Open-source link there. | |
Xable Crypt Object | ProdigyX | 1 | Lets you do basic encryption/decryption like Caesar Shifts. | Protection | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | XableCryptographyObject.mfx | 133 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 27, 2015 | May 27, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16, with pointless HWA stripped. Official site: . Open-source link there. | |
Xable Object | ProdigyX | 1 | Various functions/abilities. Some expressions broken in CF2.5 that work in MMF2. | System | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | XableObject.mfx | 169 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 27, 2015 | Aug 25, 2015 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16, with pointless HWA stripped. Official site: . Open-source link there. | |
Xable Session Timer | ProdigyX | 1 | Lets you use game sessions in your app | Data | 3rd Party | Handy | Undetermined | XableSessionObject.mfx | 163 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | May 27, 2015 | May 27, 2016 | W, _, _, _, U, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | Download from CEM, 30/11/16, with pointless HWA stripped. Official site: . Open-source link there. | |
Xbox Connect | Clickteam | 1 | Adds XBox Live sign-in functions. | Games | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | XBOXConnect.mfx | 285 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, E, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P, _ | No | No | ||
XBOX Gamepad | Francois Lionet | 1 | Allows you to access the XBOX gamepad. Superceded by SDL Object. | Control | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | XBOXGamepad.mfx | 64 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, _, P, _ | No | No | ||
Xbox Leaderboard | Clickteam | 1 | Adds XBox Live leaderboard functions. | Games | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | XBOXLeaderboard.mfx | 305 KB | N/A | N/A | R, _, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, P, _ | No | No | ||
XLua Object | Justin Aquadro (Retriever2) | 1.52 | Powerful and extensible embedded Lua support for MMF2. | Script | 3rd Party | Essential | Advanced | xlua.mfx | 887 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, O | Sep 19, 2010 | Mar 23, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
XML Parser | Mokhtar M. Khorshid | 1 | This object manipulates XML documents in memory (supports wildcard searching) and can write/read them to/from files. MMF2 Developer only. | Text | Bonus Pack | Essential | Advanced | MMKXMLParser.mfx | 236 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | Yes | No | ||
XNA | Francois Lionet | 1 | Provides all sorts of functionality for XNA systems. | System | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | XNA.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
XNA Ad Control | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays advertisements in XNA Windows Phone apps. | Advertising | Built-in | Handy | Undetermined | XNAAdControl.mfx | 24 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, _, _, _ | Yes | No? | ||
XNA Edit Box | Francois Lionet | 1 | Displays an XNA-style edit box (with popup keyboard). | Control | Built-in | Handy | Straightforward | XNAEdit.mfx | 32 KB | N/A | N/A | R, H, _, _ | N/A | N/A | _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, X, _, _, _ | No | No? | ||
YASO object | Jack Webster (Jax) | 1 | This object, 'Yet Another System Object', deals with file associations, folders and paths, shut down events and various other system related tasks. | System | Bonus Pack | Useful | Advanced | Yaso.mfx | 70 KB | Here | Here | R, _, _, _ | Aug 19, 2005 | Nov 25, 2007 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, N, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
YouTube Object | Stephen Lanier (StephenL) | 1 | Allows you to use YouTube videos in your swf applications. | Video | 3rd Party | Essential | Intermediate | YouTube.mfx | 84 KB | Here | Here | R, _, E, _ | Jan 09, 2011 | Jan 09, 2011 | _, _, _, F, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
Zip Object | Clickteam | N/A | Open and manage ZIP archives. This extension has been discontinued; use the Archive Object instead. | Files | Bonus Pack | Superceded | Intermediate | ZipObject.mfx | 66 KB | Here | Here | _, _, _, _ | Sep 25, 2006 | Sep 25, 2006 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No | ||
ZlibStream Object | Phi | 3 | This object loads files, compresses/decompresses them, and saves them, much like the Binary object - except if you have a 4gb file, you don't need to use 4gb memory. Instead, the file is streamed at runtime. | Files | 3rd Party | Useful | Intermediate | zlibstream.mfx | 87 KB | Here | Here | R, H, E, _ | Aug 01, 2011 | Nov 24, 2011 | W, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _, _ | No | No |
This page supports multiple GET parameters:
• showAllCols: on start, enables all columns in filter;
• disableFilter: disables filter and shows all rows/columns;
• noscript: implies disableFilter, and turns off sorting CSS highlights;
• colourRows: turns on row colouring based on that extension's status;
• partialTable: shows only some of the first rows, good for when editing the page.
• forceRefreshCache: deletes the internal table cache, causing a lengthly loading time as it is rebuilt.
Browsers are automatically redirected to the noscript variant if they have JS disabled.
The internal cache rebuilds every six hours automatically. Last update was Mon 24th Mar 2025, 10:29 PM.
If you want to use the parameters just set them to 1 in the query path. If you don't know how to add a GET parameter, Google it.
NB: It's worth noting this page used to be generated from the ExtensionView database. That database and site has since gone down.
Attempts to contact ExtensionView's owner proved fruitless, so Phi had to take matters into his own hands.