Enable multi-threading
When enabled, this property enables multi-threading, allowing the Lacewing receive/send message events to run more independently of Fusion's FPS/tick frequency.
This is recommended for Server, as well as other performance tips.
Read more about how multi-threading works on the Blue Client's multi-threading property.
The principle applies more in Server, as a server processes more messages than any client does.
If you use "don't tell Fusion" handling methods for your interactive conditions (set using the Enable/disable conditions actions), then the use of multi-threading is much more effective in improving server performance.
For example, if no channel messages are sent to Fusion due to the "don't tell Fusion" modes, then the second thread will be instantly passing the messages on to the clients, without Fusion triggering event, so Fusion runtime speed won't be affected in the slightest by all those messages.
Since most applications are 99% channel messages, this means the Fusion UI will be mostly unaffected by all the server's busyness.
Correctly offloaded this way, the second thread will be able to respond without any visible slowdown… at least, until it runs out of CPU on the CPU core it's assigned, at which point any thread would start choking.
(You can calculate CPU % per thread by dividing your 100% CPU by CPU core count. For example, on an eight-core CPU, eight threads can run at once, using max 12.5% CPU each. 12.5% is also true for a quad-core CPU with hyperthreading.)