On message from client to server
This is for Blue Server. Relay Server always runs client -> server events.
This sets the handling of client -> server messages.
It takes one parameter, which is 1 to trigger the "Message > Sent/Blasted > On XXX message to server" Fusion conditions when a server message happens, or 0 to discard them.
If the handling is disabled, all server messages will be discarded, with text messages not checked against the "received by server" Unicode allowlist.
If the handling is enabled, number/binary server messages will trigger events, but text messages will have to pass checks.
The sent/blasted text server messages will be tested for valid and normalized Unicode, and then checked against the "received by server" Unicode allowlist, and any messages that don't pass the checks will be discarded. The sending client will be marked as untrustworthy and disconnected immediately, and an error event will be created detailing what forbidden Unicode character they used.
You can modify the "received by server" Unicode allowlist using the (Advanced) Set Unicode allowlist action.