Deny (for on [...] request)
This is for Blue Server. Relay Server has the same action without a deny reason, here.
This sets the deny reason for any request interactive event, including connect, name set/change, channel join and channel leave requests.
It takes one parameter, which is the deny reason. If you specify a blank reason "", it will be replaced with "No reason specified.".
You can only run this action if the interactive event in question is set to "wait for Fusion" mode, using one of the Enable/disable conditions actions. Otherwise, the request would have been auto-approved/auto-denied already, and this action can have no effect on the request.
You cannot deny messages, only drop them, using the On interactive condition > Drop message (for on message to channel/peer) action.
You cannot set the deny reason twice, and you cannot set it if some other event has denied it; for example, an auto-deny handling mode.
If you try to modify the client/channel name during a name set/channel join request and try to set it to an invalid name, an error will be generated and the request will be denied.