N        This condition will be true based on which WebSocket servers are hosting and what parameter you pass.

It takes one parameter, which must be one of:

  • "secure" to check secure is hosting (insecure server is ignored)
  • "insecure" to check if insecure is hosting (secure server is ignored)
  • "both" to check both secure and insecure are hosting
  • "either" to check if either (or both) of the HTML5 servers are hosting.
    ("any" is also accepted.)

The regular Relay server and Flash hosting does not affect this condition.

It is not recommended you use this condition in non-triggered events, as it is less efficient than simply storing whether you're hosting or not in a global value, after running the host/unhost actions.

However, hosting can fail, in which case this is a way to check after running the host action; although you should also be watching On error events.