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Lacewing Relay/Blue Server List

The following server list is brought to you by Darkwire Software.
These server statuses are refreshed every time you load this page.

25th Nov 2024: Darkwire Server I just went down due to a hoster issue. Darkwire Server II may remain down until Feburary due to a paused update.
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Server Name/Version Server Address Status
Darkwire Server I
(Bluewing - HTML5/UWP/Flash support)
ws://server1.dark-wire.com:80/ (HTML5/UWP insecure)
wss://server1.dark-wire.com:443/ (HTML5/UWP secure)

Darkwire Server II
(Bluewing - HTML5/UWP/Flash support)
ws://server2.dark-wire.com:6300/ (HTML5/UWP insecure)
wss://server2.dark-wire.com:6400/ (HTML5/UWP secure)

Shadow Soft Pre-Commercial RC
(Bluewing - HTML5/UWP/Flash support)
ws://shadsoft.fr:6300/ (HTML5/UWP insecure)
wss://shadsoft.fr:6400/ (HTML5/UWP secure)

LekKit Server (RedRelay) lekkit.dns-cloud.net:6121
Costa VPS (Windows - SWF support) costa.servegame.com:6121
LB-Stuff Server lacewing.maycontaincode.com:6121
VillyNet Server villy.net:6121
leDev Server ledev.org:6121
leDev pylacewing Server ledev.org:6122
Klikfarm Server server.klikfarm.com:6121

This list was last refreshed at (whenever you opened this page).
Any server that supports Windows clients implicitly supports Android, iOS and Mac clients - they connect the same way. All servers above support Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and Flash clients.
For the plain-text list of servers, suitable for use with the Get object, please see here.
For HTML5/UWP Get, use see here - you can pass ?wstype=secure or insecure, otherwise whether you used http or https on the servers_websocket page will be used.
To view your own public IP, use this link.

Downloads and source code

The Lacewing extensions themselves can be downloaded here (Blue Client), and here (Blue Server), and here (ancient Relay set).
For Bluewing with all platforms (Android, iOS, Mac, HTML5, and UWP), join the Patreon! One-month $5 subscription gets you one extra platform. You also get access to new unreleased extensions.

The liblacewing project is open-source, but abandoned in 2015; more details can be found here.
Bluewing is not abandoned, and is open-source too, as part of Darkwire's extension repository, and can be found here.

Also note there is a Python implementation (of the server only), capable of being run on Unix-based systems, including Linux and Debian. Details and a setup tutorial are available here.
If you have problems with a *nix setup, try contacting users Phi or Mathias on Discord.

Also, there is a tutorial for using Lacewing Relay Client in MMF2/CTF2.5! For a small Lacewing chat, download here. For a detailed Lacewing breakdown from Darkwire's Phi and LB, get the latest Bluewing Client, and press the Help button in object properties. Or browse it online here. Includes binary message tutorial, performance tips, examples of how to make players, chatrooms, etc.

For a Lacewing Relay <-> Blue converter/patcher (Fusion 2.0 MFAs only!), see here.

As always, if you need support, contact Phi on Clickteam Discord.

What's the story behind liblacewing, Lacewing Relay, and Bluewing?

Whilst working using the Moo branch, a developer (James McLaughlin) got a bit miffed with the bugs and glitches from the discontinued extensions, and wrote a new networking extension to replace the Moo branch (MooClick, MooSock, MooGame, etc). He called this extension OINC (OINC Internet/Network Client); carrying on the farmyard animal sounds convention (moo, oinc).

Then unfortunately, he had a hard drive crash, and lost most of his source code.
Having essentially to redo all of his work, he renamed the new extension Lacewing.

After working further, he decided to make Lacewing an extension compatible with not just games, but any other protocol type. To do this, he separated Lacewing extension into two projects:
• Lacewing Relay (the protocol from the extension, much like MooClick/MooGame)
• liblacewing (any protocol, much like MooSock)

At some point, a developer called Mathias (aka Mat^2 or Mat²) created a Python implementation of the Lacewing Relay Server. He named this pylacewing.

Lacewing Relay relied on liblacewing to work. However, work on Lacewing Relay was halted, but work on liblacewing continued. After several bugfixes and changes to liblacewing, Jamie became too busy to reimplement the newer liblacewing into Relay and update the Fusion extension.

Thus, Lacewing Blue (or Bluewing Client) was born, after another developer (Phi) became rather irritated with the bugs in the not-so-recent Lacewing Relay Client and decided to rewrite the extension from scratch; a process he completed in two days, as it was just wrapping around the liblacewing code again.

What is Bluewing?

Bluewing (aka Lacewing Blue) is a continuation of Lacewing Relay, with optional multi-threading, stricter usage, and a few extra features that the regular Lacewing Relay doesn't have.
In addition, Bluewing has less bugs, and uses a newer version of liblacewing.

Can I switch between Lacewing Relay and Blue?

Lacewing Relay and Lacewing Blue use the same message formats, so a Blue server can use a Relay client, a Relay client use a Blue server, etc.
Under the hood, things work differently, but that makes no difference to the actual servers and clients.
Blue is updated more frequently, and has fixes for some of Relay's problems (see here; e.g. memory leaks fixed, reconnecting to last server works fine in Blue but not in Relay), so you should use Blue. If there are Blue bugs and you can't stand waiting, or indeed fix it yourself, you can switch back to Relay.

There is a Fusion 2.0 MFA converter for swapping your MFA files between Blue and Relay in a few clicks! Make sure you read the README comment in the zip, though.