This property shows you the version of the liblacewing library that this Lacewing Client extension was compiled with.
In Relay Client, this will likely show liblacewing #20 (Windows/x86).
In Blue Client, this will likely show:
Bluewing (b95, Project Config), using liblacewing 0.5.4 (Windows/x86).
b95 indicates Build 95 of the Client. Refer to the build number when asked which version of Lacewing you use.
Project Config refers to the C++ settings used to build it, which determine how optimized the code is. It will usually be "Edittime" or "Edittime Unicode" in publicly released builds. If you receive special debug versions, it may be "Debug" or "Debug Unicode" instead.
You can be retrieve the version at runtime with the Lacewing version string expression, which differs to the property somewhat.