This action allows you to join channels, which are the only places where you can communicate with other peers. It takes three parameters, in order:
- A string parameter that is the name of the channel, which can be anything in the request, but not once approved; see below.
- A "hide channel" parameter, which is a number either 0 or 1, where 0 means the channel will be included in the server's channel listing, and when 1 means it will be unlisted and hidden, although other peers with the channel name can still join.
- An "auto-close" parameter, where 0 means to keep the channel online if the channel master leaves, and 1 means the close the channel if the channel master leaves, kicking all connected clients.
The last two parameters only are applied by the server if the channel does not yet exist, in which case the channel is created and you automatically become the channel master, until you leave or disconnect.
Triggered responses
If your join request is approved by the server, it will trigger a Channel > On join event.
A custom server may edit the name you request before approving a channel join, so you may want to check Selected channel > Name expression in an Channel > On join event, rather than expecting to have joined the channel with the name you requested.
If your join request is not approved by the server, you will receive a Channel > On join denied event instead.
All peers on the channel you have just joined to will receive a Channel > Peers > On peer connect event.
A custom server may join you to a channel of its own accord, without you sending a channel join request, but you will still receive the Channel > On join event.
Name restrictions
The name restrictions are the same as the ones under Set Name.
No master reassignment and auto-close
In default server behavior, if a channel auto-close is set to 0 when created, a second client joins the channel, and the creator leaves the channel, the channel master will be reset to none, not delegated to the second client on the channel.
Should the original creator rejoin, they will still not be the master, which will remain as none forever.
Custom servers can add master delegation behavior, or assign a new master at any time, even when current master is still connected.